Add support for What3Words addresses, for simple and accurate navigation.

Beant Singh commented
Would be great
Laurence Thirkettle commented
Would be great!
Don Macdonald commented
Would be helpful
terry hill commented
yes please
Tony Mitchell commented
Go for it!
Felix Joseph commented
Please do this integration
Neil Brookbanks commented
Great addition for more off-grid addresses in rural locations
Matthew Stafford commented
Would be great - v handy for finding my kids in the park etc!
Daryl Leman commented
Would benefit
paul mchale commented
Much needed
Peter Phillips commented
Incredibly useful tool when out delivering leaflets. Would love to see it integrated with Google Maps and Waze.
Jim Pratt commented
By the way- great for military use too.
Jim Pratt commented
I just learned about what three words. I think it will have value to incorporate.
Tom Ainsworth commented
I’ve just moved into a new build, and it’s so frustrating trying to guide people here using Waze, as the street doesn’t exist yet. What3words works perfectly in Apple and Google maps
Lesley Cook commented
Fed up with deliveries going astray because the driver can’t find us!
William J. McClusky II (BilliamJ) commented
I would love What Three Words integration with waze
Praf Maisuria commented
Good idea
Antony Myers commented
It will enable W3W to be more widely used enabling better locating services for Emergency Workers, Service Delivery and Parcel Delivery
Velventhan Alvappillai commented
Essential tool
Arturas Gecas commented
Very useful where events have multiple entry points