Waze maps to closest street instead of named street
I have noticed a few times lately that Waze seems to map the directions to the closest street to the gps point of the address, which is not always the same as the street the address is on. This means, for instance, that where there are houses which are set back from the street, Waze often maps to a neighboring street instead of the correct street, because it's closer to the marker.
In one residential neighborhood with houses set back from the street, one address is mapped to a nearby condo complex behind the house. Another house is mapped to a private water company driveway which is located behind the property.
I get that Waze may have to make some best guesses as to address locations when it doesn't have all the information, but it should at least put a high priority on mapping you to the street of the address you actually provided it. While it's possible there are some instances where you enter a property from another street, this is the exception and not the rule, and Waze would be much better off directing you to the street you actually requested.
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