Alternate Route
Very frustrating when Waze updates the route with a bunch of turns,including a few difficult left turns, and it results in a time savings of a minute or two. Sometimes it doesnt save any time at all. I suggest an option were you can choose a time savings minimum before waze will take you off your current route. For example I would prefer to stay on my current, more direct route, unless a time savings of 5 min is available then please change my route.
Tony commented
I'd love to see Waze show alternate routes as I'm driving. In the ideal world, this would be live and dynamic, but that might be way to hard of a problem. An alternate would be to allow me to specify alternate routes for my saved locations (i.e. my normal commutes).
For example (distances, driving times from google): I work in downtown Seattle and live near the University. Waze often wants me to take I5N -> to NE 45th St [2.7mi, 8min]; I don't like the bridge segment of I5, and I hate driving through the University neighborhood (both are subject to unexpected delays). So I usually opt to ignore Waze and go I5N -> 520W -> Montlake Blvd (which then merges into the same place) [2.4mi, 7min]. Almost always after I make the turn, Waze updates the route and my arrival times stays the same (or +/- 1-2 minutes). However, occasionally there will be a problem on 520 that backs up traffic and my alternate route will take me 5-10-30 minutes longer! Because I ignore Waze's suggestion I don't see the problem until it's to late.
My suggestions in that alternate turns are shown in a lighter color under the next turn suggestion.
[White on Black] Rt 1.2 miles: NE 45th StMy proposal is to leave this the same and add a new line underneath:
[White on Black] Rt 1.2 miles: Exit 169 for NE 45th St
[black on gray?] Rt 0.1 miles: Exit 168B to merge onto WA-520 E toward Bellevue/Kirkland / Alternate route: +2 minutesImplementation (In order of preference)
1 - Waze suggests any "viable" alternative. Viable means that it doesn't suggest you get off the freeway and get right back on at a cost of 2 minutes; and maybe that the alternate route won't add more than X minutes
2 - Waze only suggests alternate routes that were available at the beginning - I'd guess this is doable, but not very helpful for long routes...
3 - Waze only shows my previously defined alternate routes. I initially tell Waze my preferred routes, and it always shows those as alternates. This would work great for commuting where my start and end points are almost always the same, but not so great when I'm out and about and using Waze as a traditional GPS.