Waze Reservation
Core idea is to create values to Wazers, Restaurants and Waze by connecting Wazers with Restaurants via Waze.
How it works?
To many of us, choosing a restaurant for a casual meal is usually impromptu. We decide where to eat upon departure or a moment before that. With regards to this, to add value to user experience of Waze, each time a Wazer keys in the restaurant of interest or search for “nearby restaurants”, Waze will inform the Wazer number of seats available. Subsequently, the Wazer will be asked if he/she would like to make reservation and thus saving his/her time as he/she will always know the availability of seats before departure.
Core Values
Waze Reservation would create values to all three parties
For restaurant that participated, the Wazers would always know if the restaurant will have seats available and subsequently the Wazers are allowed to make reservation.
Participated Restaurants
Restaurants can manage their tables and customer experience better. At the same time, there is competition advantage to restaurants with waze reservation
The reservation creates better user experience to Wazers. Meanwhile, it prompts more users to register/sign in to Waze as the reservation requires user identification. Not only that, by providing this service to restaurants, Waze can profit from the reservations.
We are very interested to be part of the implementation of this idea just for learning.