Get rid of Google
Cuz Waze juzt plain sucks now. I love it when you give alternate routes and I pick one because I sure as hell know this area better than your AI and I also know what happens when the area has an event. Three times, THREE in 10 minutes I have to pick an alternate route today because your app ignores the route I have picked and sends me right into the area which I am trying to avoid. Your app frequently costs me time, costs me money and complete aggregation over the sheer idiocy of this exact issue. This will be the third time now that I am uninstalling it in a year over this very issue.
I keep giving it a chance based on what it used to be but once Waze sold out to Google and became the in GPS app, it became stupid. Imagine a GPS app that completely ignores the users input thinking that it knows far better than the user the reasons the user has for not wanting to take one of its offered routes.
That arrogance smacks of Google.
So thanks Waze. Thanks for turning a 30 minute drive into a 2 hour nightmare. Go back to what you once were.
And no. A fastest route setting does not mean it should alter a chosen route. Especially three freaking times in 10 minutes.
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