Signal deviation from "normal" work-home route
So I am using Waze mostly for avoiding traffic going to and from work, I suppose like most people. It would be helpful to have a feature where it gives an audible alert if it is plotting a course that is different from the "normal" one to avoid traffic. I imagine this could work by determining the best route assuming no significant traffic, and giving an alert if it is plotting a different course than that. Same thing goes for changes in mid-course due to accidents, jams, etc., that occur after I start. Normal navigation announcements aren't too useful on a regular route like this; would prefer to have announcements when there is something out of the ordinary--even ONLY those announcements.

Lear Peleg commented
As Waze are looking to be a part of the everyday life, this is important.
This will effectively make more people use Waze on a daily basis.
I normally learn there was a faster route only after I've missed the turn, since I'm using voice prompts for alerts only.
This should be a native alert.
Avi commented
In the past, there was a time when, for example, 3 routes were presented to a selected destination, it was possible to click through which of the routes to the destination, the system would give driving instructions.
As a result, the system would immediately change the choice to the route chosen by the operator from the proposed routes, and the time of arrival at the destination would also change accordingly.
This thing no longer exists, you canceled it, it is not clear why, and today, when you click to view the proposed routes and choose the route that is not first in line - the system does not respond and continues to give instructions to the route it prefers. This is not right !!!!
Today I wanted to travel from Ness Ziona to Haifa via Road 2 (Geha, Morasha, Country Club, Haifa), and although I chose this option from the routes - the system took me against my will to the first option it preferred - east - to Road 6.
As a result I drove an extra 32km (the system took me 16km east (in vain) and then I had to go back 16km west to drive anyway via Route 2, and this after I did a section I did not want on Route 6.
Requests an explanation and requires correction of the phenomenon. It was good once and you spoiled it !! Why ??
Avi Shmueli0526323322
Ronen Tagger commented
most of the time waze changes route from main road to save 5- 10 min.
so most of the time do not listen to it advice.
if Waze was explaining me that it changed the route due to an accident and the main road is blocked it will be a great help for me. it will save me and a lot of other divers from stuck in a major road blocking and save lot of time and frustration -
Leigh Beekman commented
When Waze gives the best route which is different than the usual best route because of a traffic problem, it should state that is the reason for the route change.
Igor Ourin commented
You have not chapter “Сomplaints”. But my complaint may be idea to improve your service. On 29.10.21 I drived from Qazrin to Bat Yam (Israel). I know the way but I turned Waze on so it suggests a better way to avoid traffic jams etc. And Waze really suggested! I’ve accepted it. Waze lead me thru Benyamina, then directed me to DIRT ROAD among fields, gardens, etc. - where I just didn’t go! Whole our I dangled through potholes, pits, slopes, sharp stones, leaving behind columns of dust – as if I have attraction “Trip in jeeps”. My car is not jeep! But fortunately it is SUZUKI SX4 hatchback with high clearance so I was able to pass there. In an usual private car I would “sit” on the bottom and get stuck in a deserted area. After all I even so drove onto the asphalt again, then turned Waze off & 5 minutes later turned it on again so now I really didn’t know the way. In the end I’ve got home. I want to ask: why Waze send me to DIRT ROADS if this option is canceled in my phone? I’ve heard in Russia among 4 navigators Waze named most unsuccessful. I also doubt whether it is worth using it.
Randy Mayer commented
Why can't WAZE provide an explanation as to why it's telling you to detour. I want to know what the reason is for a major departure from my route. I.E. leaving an interstate to travel side roads. I'd live to determine my own course of action, stay on a road I know and I'm comfortable with or take the detour if the reason for it is significant,
Michael Overholser commented
Allow user to check a box to provide some sort of audible feedback for the driver that the route has changed, even if alerts and navigation are disabled so that the driver is alerted to the fact.
Michael Overholser commented
Almost 10 years old, and it still hasn't been implemented!
Tmolus commented
Today waze continued directing me towards the longest route to a place where I often go. I believe if there is a catastrophic/major issue on the shortest route (in example the expressway), Waze should show a pop up to alert you on the reason to avoid a certain route.
Ed Smith commented
For those of us that prefer no audible notifications, it would be nice to have a visual notification of enroute changes in routing. A screen flash or pop-up of some kind. Currently because I don't want the other notification sounds, I miss changes that would avoid substantial delays.
Patrick van Lieshout commented
This idea is very underrated IMO. However, not just for daily driving.
I don't want to enable voice guidance on my normal (80 mile) commute. However, I do want the guidance lady to tell me when to take a different exit than usually because of traffic/restrictions ahead.
More than once was I greeted with Waze bleeping at me and showing "recalculating route" only AFTER missing the intended exit. Like John, I really want to have regular voice guidance off, it's just not necessary. But we also don't look at the mobile screen all the time for navigation in case Waze has found us a better road!
Concrete suggestion:
- Implement a 4th alert setting, "Alerts and detours" in between "Alerts only" and "Voice guidance"
- Waze should calculate the standard route WITHOUT traffic or warnings and assume this is the road a driver would normally take.
- As long as the calculated route coincides with the standard route, no voice guidance, only alerts
- Only where the currently calculated route differs from the standard route voice guidance is enabled for that part of the route -
Ben White commented
1. When Waze re-routes you please give a reason for it, like, 'Alternative route shorter by x number of minutes' or 'Long delays on original route' or 'Accident on original route', with the option for the driver to accept or reject the suggestion.
2. When a telephone call ends on the iPhone, the Waze screen should resume automatically.
Thanks for a great software!
Leigh Beekman commented
State that the route given is not the usual best route and tell why the change was made (construction, accident, traffic, etc.).
Anonymous commented
Notify user that his everyday route to work or home has changed.
It is a cool festure that Waze knows when you want to drive to your work or home address. I drive that routes every day so I have sounds enabled only for hazards. But if there is an issue on the usual route and Waze find an alternative way, I am not notified about that and very often pass that junction and drive right into the jam.
Maybe Waze could learn (AI?) my common route to Work or Home and alert me if the route is different than usual.
PDG commented
In Maryland, there are several streets that routinely flood when it rains even modestly. These roads are well-marked by the state/cities for travelers, but there needs to be a way to just tell Waze to "avoid streets where flooding is likely" when choosing your navigation route. This information could be submitted by users, but is also readily available from government sources to pre-load the information into the system. Finding out you arrived at a flooded road, when there is no where to turn off, is not nearly as useful as just avoiding the route most likely to be flooded in the first place.
Bill Miller commented
Waze should let the consumer know how much time alternative routes will add to reaching the destination. For example, if one will only gain two minutes by taking a less direct route, the consumer might decide to just relax and take the crowed highway. If however, one can gain significant time via a much more circuitous route, then he/she can decide.
So Waze should offer alternative routes with timing options. These routes can be ranked by travel time.
Bill Miller commented
Waze should let the consumer know how much time alternative routes will add to reaching the destination. For example, if one will only gain two minutes by taking a less direct route, the consumer might decide to just relax and take the crowed highway. If however, one can gain significant time via a much more circuitous route, then he/she can decide.
So Waze should offer alternative routes with timing options. These routes can be ranked by travel time.
Gelunox commented
I wish this got more attention. I too mainly use waze like this. For default work-home routes or other pre-configured locations I only need sound when I'm either reaching a decision point for one of the regular routes, or full directions when I'm on a road that's not configured as a default route.
More than once I've hit a big traffic jam because I missed instructions because waze was on alerts only.
Tina Williford commented
Ok, so I like to turn on Waze when going on a known route, just to keep an ear on traffic conditions while driving. However there's no audible notification if there's a notification about a problem which I can't see (because I'm driving! eyes on the road!) and there's a FASTER route now available that I may want to know about, so I won't miss that crucial exit or turn before it's too late and I'm stuck for an hour in traffic.
How cool would it be if you could ask Waze NOT to give you the turn-by-turn instructions on a known route, UNLESS a quicker alternative route, to the route you're on, became available?
ALTERNATELY, when driving along a route, I'd like to have a voiceover if a quicker route became available, even if you can't make it shut up telling you to turn where you already know where to turn! ;D
Anonymous commented
This i s an essential feature for me.
As others have mentioned, on well travelled routes I also use alerts only and have missed the minimal noise that happens when the route has changed whilst underway, only realising as I sail past the newly advised junction(off-ramp) and see the re-routing happen as I come to a standstill in traffic!
A very loud alert, that can be heard over music, whenever the route changes due to traffic, and possibly an option to specifically override the "Alerts only" setting and receive audible warning as you approach the deviation from the original/normal route would also be very helpful.
Thanks for all the efforts so far. Cheers, neil