add a plugin method, e.g. radar detector
There is an iPhone app called "radar active" that allows realtime updates of speed traps. The sounds various radar detectors make (or dataports like on the Valentine V1) could be used to automatically add speed-trap / false alarm information to the map. Android has easy ways to add external hardware, but the microphone could be used on any platform with the right audio processing software.
Anonymous commented
I think we could pay to have an ad-free version of Waze then they could use the funds to buy out Escort Live then integrate it or use the tech to be compatible with Waze. Not enough users on Escort Live anyway from what I can tell and $50 / year is ridiculous.
alphadolphin commented
either ONLY allow Valentine or tag input to allow us to ignore everything other than Valentine data/reports
Anonymous commented
I am guessing Escort, Inc.'s interface is proprietary, and that Escort, Inc. would protest its use (particuarly when Escort, Inc. is attempting to charge $49 a year for their Escort Live service). However, the second part of this suggestion would be a great addition to Waze (i.e., to make "one of the options for hidden police [to] be Radar/Laser detected with an option to select K, Ka, or Laser.")
Anonymous commented
Some of us use GPS enabled Radar detectors that allow a bluetooth interface with Android and IPhones. It would be really nice if Waze could interface with the radar detector the same way the Escort software does. For those who do not have Livewire or equivalent, one of the options for hidden police should be Radar/Laser detected with an option to select K, Ka, or Laser.
Al commented
I use Waze and a radar detector. It seems like every electronic informational sign in New York State has a radar gun built into it. It would be great if Waze showed these as semi-permanent installations. Then when my detector goes off I will know it's just a dumb sign up ahead and not a cop. BTW, photo radar is illegal in NYS.
veriloquous commented
combine this with trailing/leading police
to create 'target' overlays on the map based on signal density and confirmed coincidence