Set destination and arrival time and alert me when it's time to leave
Based on current conditions, alert me 5-15 minutes before I need to leave so that I can arrive at a set time.

Great news! The feature to set the time to leave is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
ChooksChick commented
This is a notification bubble that I cannot expand and fully view. Furthermore, if I accidentally dismiss it, I cannot every get the info it contained. Please make the notice (Leave by 7:40, etc.) on top of Waze when I open it until I dismiss it, to be sure I see it.
Libi Ozeri commented
במוביט אפשר לתכנן מסלול מראש גם ממקום שאתה לא נמצא בו כרגע, למשל הייתי רוצה לדעת כמה זמן יקח לי לחזור מהעבודה אם אני בבית, אין אופציה כזו כרגע.
Benaya G commented
באפליקציות ריצה אני מקבל נתונים סטטיסטיים על ריצה בין שתי נקודות.
אותו הדבר אני רוצה שיהיה על נסיעה בין שתי נקודות קבועות, למשל בית - עבודה.כל יום אני נוסע במסלול אחר שעות אחרות, ואני רוצה נתונים סטטיסטיים כדי שדע מה השעה והדרך הכי טובה בין אותן שתי נקודות קבועות.
תודה -
Ingrid commented
I think it would be a great idea if we accounted for people wanting to arrive at a destination earlier, for example work. Waze is in sync with my calendar for work so Waze tells me when to leave, however I don’t want to arrive at work exactly at my in-time. (Consider time for walking into work, parking etc…) Maybe consider an option for users to allow Waze to plan a drive with an arrival time earlier than the scheduled time, along with the alert earlier for planned drives. Maybe ask: would you like waze to alert you to leave earlier in order to arrive earlier than the specified time. Just my thought because the alert to leave for work is actually useless for me, as i Would be pulling into work right as i should be walking in. Thanks for listening
Gil Berl commented
when planing a trip, I would like to schedule a time for leaving and not just arriving
israel Lavee commented
A smsessage or a calendar alert to inform it's time to leave for a planned trip
ח commented
בנסיעה מתוכננת - לאפשר לראות את מסלול הנסיעה המתוכנן -
גם במהלך הגדרת הנסיעה המתוכננת, ואף לאפשר אולי בחירה בין מסלולים, גם לאחר שהנסיעה המתוכננת מוגדרת לאפשר לראות את המסלול שלה. -
Anonymous commented
When I am planning my drive for later, there's no option for me to select the time I will leave as it just defaults to arrival time. Would be great if I can choose the time that I leave (like in Google maps) and be shown my arrival time rather than forcing me to choose my arrival time.
Anonymous commented
Earlier on Waze notificated me about planned drives in the evening before the planned drive. Somewhat 10 hrs before the actual drive. Since I have to leave early in the morning I very much appreciated this notification, because I didn't had to do the math myself (yes i'm lazy from time to time). Nowadays a you're able to choose between a notification just 1,5 hrs or 10 minutes before. Would it be possible to add the possibility of notification 10 hrs before the drive?
Hope some voters agree and support my view.
Emilie commented
I would love to be able to see my estimated departure time on planned trips.
Russell Bothwell commented
Great idea for planning vacation trips, I know when I want to leave, arrival time is fluid for long trips, departure is not.
Lauryn commented
Reoccurring planned trips such as work where you can set the days of the week and times (for varying shifts) and get notifications each day based on the current traffic so you are never late
Luke commented
Set a time you want to arrive at you destination and get updated on the time to leave everyday or a regular drive like to a class, work or pick-up the kids or partner
B Kilgore commented
On the page listing planned drives please display the departure time as well as the arrival time
jessica commented
It would be helpful for planned drives to be able to pick more time intervals. Sometimes I want to arrive at a place 5nor 10 minutes earlier than I'm supposed to, Waze only gives 15 minute intervals, 5 or 10 minute intervals would be very helpful.
Also, being able to set a commute schedule for work would be wonderful!
Anonymous commented
בניווט לבנק , קופת חולים, עסקים וכדו', כדאי לסנכרן את שעות הפתיחה עם שעת ההגעה וכן להוסיף מידע על דרגת הקושי במציאת חניה במקום
Anonymous commented
כאשר בוחרים מסלול נסיעה, כיוון הנסיעה לא ברור וכך קשה להבין אם הפקק בתחילת הנסיעה או בסופה.
Blah Blah commented
The notification type setting for planned drives should be a user level setting meaning it shouldn’t revert back to the default value of "Early reminders & time to leave" EVERYTIME the app updates.
Brandon Michael Kantner commented
There should be an option that says “I would like to arrive x minutes early for all planned drives” and let it that all calendar events are scheduled to that time rather than changing my work calendar to show starting 15 minutes before scheduled time it should allow me to preplan them with a described time frame.
Ivan commented
Yes, this is a brilliant idea. I often prefer to try and get to a place a little early so I can compensate for needing to stop for gas, or to find parking, or to check in, or just to be there a little early. When I'm accepting even invites in my calendar I can't always manually add 15 minutes to the start time, I have to go into Waze and manually set up an event, and then I get conflicting notifications about when I need to leave for my drive.