Set destination and arrival time and alert me when it's time to leave
Based on current conditions, alert me 5-15 minutes before I need to leave so that I can arrive at a set time.

Great news! The feature to set the time to leave is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Dan commented
At the moment, when I check out my planned drives, the list shows the time as the time of arrival. This is hardly ever what I look at this list for (I have a calendar for that)...I would usually only look up my planned drives to see when I need to leave.
Currently, I believe the only way to do this is to do another search and reconfirm the information I have already put into planned drives.
*If you can't show planned drives on the list, then at least having the option to open the planned drive and click on a button to see the TIME TO LEAVE would be more helpful (and quicker!)
Christtopher Chitay commented
I want to schedule my arriving time and the app should tel me the right time to leave
benny tashma commented
עוד נספח לוויז שבו אני יכול להגדיר יעד ושעה שאני רוצה להגיע ממקום לממקום והוויז יחשב את הדרך ןהזמן מהמיקום שבו אני נמצא אל היעד המבוקש. כלומר נניח שאני נמצא בחיפה בביתי בשעות הבוקר ויש לי ישיבה חשובה בתל-אביב בשעה 14:30 ישיבה שבה אני לא רוצה לאחר. אין לי את הזמן והסבלנות להכנס ולחשב את הדרך יתכן וחשבתי לא נכון את הזמן ופספסתי את הישיבה. כאן נכנס עוד נספח איטס טיים טו מוב שבו אני מגדיר מראש את הזמן והמקום שאני רוצה להגיע והוויז יחשב את הזמן הטוב ביותר להודיע לי בצורה (צלצול, הודעה, וואטסאפ) שעכשיו הזמן הטוב ביותר לצאת לדרך
Anonymous commented
Is there a way to enter your work hours into waze so it can alert you when you should leave for work?
Anonymous commented
Il faudrait pouvoir programmer à des heures précises les destinations principales Domicile et Travail lors du démarrage de l'application.
Par exemple :
Entre 7H00 & 8H00 lorsque je lance l'application , Waze démarre automatiquement la destination Travail.
Et entre 17H & 18H00 lorsque je lance l'application , Waze démarre automatiquement la destination Maison.
Si on veut vraiment utiliser Waze tout les jours pourquoi ne pas pouvoir programmer un démarrage automatique de l'application .
Merci -
John C La Rue commented
When I'm planning a drive - with an arrival time - I would like to be able to build in a buffer. The buffer would be the time it takes me to get to my car. Currently it ASSUMES that I'm in my car and the reminder of when to leave is late due to the fact that by the time I get the reminder I should be in my car not getting ready to walk to my car. The walk to the car throws off the time I need to leave reminder.
ehsan commented
for example client 1 day before their trip, can make schedule for tomorrow and just set destination .
Waze app itself calculate to when it's better to start the trip(for get rid of heavy traffic jam reason) and suggest the passenger that tomorrow can start his/her trip on some o'clock -
Alissa commented
I use waze everyday to get to school. It would be great if waze gave me a list or range of times that would be good times to drive so I experience the least amount of traffic. What time(s) during the day will my commute be the shortest ?
Uso waze todos los días para llegar a la escuela. Sería genial si waze me dio una lista o rango de veces que sería buenos tiempos para conducir por lo que la experiencia de la menor cantidad de tráfico. ¿A qué hora (s) durante el día mi trayecto será el más corto?
Use o Waze todos os dias para chegar à escola. Seria ótimo se o Waze me desse uma lista ou uma série de vezes que seria um bom momento para dirigir, então eu experimento a menor quantidade de tráfego. Que hora (s) durante o dia será meu trajeto ser o mais curto?French
Utilisez le quotidien Waze pour aller à l'école. Ce serait formidable si Waze m'avait donné une liste ou un éventail de fois, ce serait de bons moments pour conduire, alors j'ai le moins de circulation possible. À quelle heure pendant la journée mon trajet sera-t-il le plus court?Persian:
از waze استفاده کنید تا به مدرسه برسید. اگر waze به من یک لیست یا طیف وسیعی از زمان هایی که زمان های خوب برای رانندگی می دهد، بسیار عالی خواهد بود، بنابراین کمترین میزان ترافیک را تجربه خواهم کرد. چه مدت زمان (ها) در طول روز رفت و آمد من کوتاه ترین است؟ -
Anonymous commented
להוסיף אפשרות שאני לדוגמא בעבודה ורוצה להגיע הביתה בשעה 8 בערב
ואני לא יודע מתי לצאת בשביל להגיע בשעה זו!
אז אני רושם לווייז ששעת ההגעה לבית היום תיהיה ב8
והוא מתריע לי לפי העומסים בתנועה וכו׳
מתי אני צריך לצאת בהתחשב במצב הדרך
(הרעיון הוא שהוויז בודק מתי הוא מגיע מנקודה זו לשניה בשעה המיועדת ומתריע על כך לנהג)
בהצלחה -
Anonymous commented
להוסיף אפשרות שאני לדוגמא בעבודה ורוצה להגיע הביתה בשעה 8 בערב
ואני לא יודע מתי לצאת בשביל להגיע בשעה זו!
אז אני רושם לווייז ששעת ההגעה לבית היום תיהיה ב8
והוא מתריע לי לפי העומסים בתנועה וכו׳
מתי אני צריך לצאת בהתחשב במצב הדרך
(הרעיון הוא שהוויז בודק מתי הוא מגיע מנקודה זו לשניה בשעה המיועדת ומתריע על כך לנהג)
בהצלחה -
Roberto commented
Criar uma opção no Waze, onde o usuário com antecedência informa qual horário e local que pretende ir. Com esses dados o Waze informará qual o horário que o usuário deve sair.
Qualquer duvida estou disponível para melhores esclarecimentos. -
Silvio Ribeiro commented
Boa noite, Waze poderia nos avisar, com 10 minutos de antecedência, a hora que devemos sair para chegar em um local com hora marcada já salva no app. exemplos: trabalho, encontros, médicos e etc...
Anonymous commented
Is it possible to set alarm that trigered when we arive to certain place?
章渊智 commented
If Waze could feature an alert for leaving early, and getting to planned destination 15-30 minutes before Calendar Appointment, for circumstances like finding parking, getting to know the layout of campus, or just getting prepared for entrance in general.
Sylvain commented
I'd like to be able to set a planned drive with a maximum duration value, and be notified by Waze when the travel's duration is at or below this value.
Lior Doron commented
Feature- Set up your destination on the next morning, the time you need to get there abd the time you need to organize in the morning.
Waze will automatically set an alarm clock and update it considering the traffic situation so you will wake up on the right time. -
José Mazariegos commented
Agregar una opción donde el usuario coloque el lugar de destino y la hora a la que debe llegar. Waze estaría haciendo cálculos de rutas todo el tiempo y le notifica al usuario en el momento que debe salir de donde se encuentre para llegar a tiempo a su destino. Se podria dejar la opción para que waze me avise con un tiempo determinado de anticipación ppr si tengo que hacer algun prepararivo antes de salir. Se podria anclar incluso a un calendario de outlook u otra aplicación.
Anonymous commented
It would be great for Waze to tell us daily at what time we need to leave to arrive to our commute destination in time or what's similar to be able to plan a daily trip, planned drives are great but a repetition feature would be helpful.
Anonymous commented
Often when I use a planned drive, the leave time occurs before my Do Not Disturb automatically turns off. This means that the Time To Leave notification is silent and effectively useless. Using the Alarm notification configuration allows the notification to sound, even when Do Not Disturb is enabled.
Eric commented
As a contractor we often have to make a trip to a supplier. The trip there is great but get caught on the trip back in traffic. When I got in it gave round trip options to each of the hardware store options with times it could save us a bunch of time. With the later option we could chose to leave later also by checking the trafic graph on the side