Set destination and arrival time and alert me when it's time to leave
Based on current conditions, alert me 5-15 minutes before I need to leave so that I can arrive at a set time.

Great news! The feature to set the time to leave is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Hoomiel commented
גם הייתי רוצה לדעת מתי הכי כדאי לי לצאת,
למשל אני מתכון נסיעה לצל אביב מחר או מחרתיים
והייתי רוצה לדעת לפי הממוצע השעתי מתי הנסיעה תהיה הכי פנויה
כי אני אולי צריך להגיע לתת אביב אבל לא מחוייב בזמן. -
Anonymous commented
As a Waze user I would like to get an automatic notification from the app. that will update me in advance (say 1 hour before) when it would be best to start my road trip to/from the office to home or any other repeated road trip a client does. This way the client could reach its destination at the minimal time possible.
gal commented
traffic forecast for tomorrow morning. I want to know in the evening what time i need to leave my home tomorrow morning in order to reach my work at 8.
you need to take in account holidays and school breaks, but i think you have all the information you need to do this -
Juan Chargue commented
Travel time notice.
Always use waze to measure the time of a trip. If I define the expected time and Waze fired a warning when that time were the achieved, I could pick a better time to go out for my trip. Thanks. Juan Chargue - Argentina -
Rodrigo Gastal commented
Waze should be able to simulate navigate to a destination on another day in time, using the traffic history. For instance, I want to know how long should take to go to the airport on a monday at 6:30 am, so I can make plans on the day before, based on how long this travel should take using traffic history data as reference. So I can leave home at 6:00 am instead of 5:30 am.
Anonymous commented
מתי לצאת
Maxi Azulay commented
For example. I have a party at 7.00pm. I want to know exactly when i have to go out from my house. Maybe recive a notification
Maxi Azulay commented
נגיד שיש לי אירוע בשבע בערב. אני רוצה לקבל התראה מתי לצאת מהבית. לפי פקקים , תנועה וכו'. זאת אומרת להגדיר את הנסיעה לפי שעת הגעה ולדעת פחות או יותר מתי לצאת
Anonymous commented
This is a great idea. I though about it years ago and looked in to developing it as an add on app. Please incorporate this into waze. It will make waze EVWRYONES alarm clock !!!!
Cristiano Soares Rodrigues commented
If you can link your Agenda to WAZE, your Agenda could advise you that the average traffic time to go from your place (work, or home) to the place that you are programing.
For exemple: If I live in NY and have a meeting in Conneticut, in my agenda I will have an advise that the average time for this trip will be 2:32 min, advising me, the time that I have to go out...
Anonymous commented
Let's say you have to be at an event, instead of constantly checking how traffic is doing Waze will test in a loop how traffic is changing, and will alert when u have to leave.
Anonymous commented
Have Waze send an alert when the travel time to a pre-selected destination is shortest, in order to determine the best time to leave.
דרור commented
מי מאיתנו לא שאל את עצמו בלילה "מתי אני צריך לצאת מחר?" לילה לפני פגישה במקום חדש. רגע אחרי, פתחת וייז בלילה אך הזמן שהוייז רושם בלילה לא מתחשב בפקקים של הבוקר כמובן. אז אתה מוסיף זמן על פי השערה פזיזה ועל פי חשיבות ההגעה שלך בזמן כך גם מגזים לפעמים. לבסוף אתה יכול להפסיד שעות שינה או לאחר.
למה שלא תהיה אופציה "מתי לצאת" הרי זמני הפקקים ומקומם הינם קבועים. -
josé Angel Archer commented
Actualmente se pueden guardar destinos como favoritos pero sería genial que se pudiera programar waze para que un destino se active en una hora específica, por ejemplo en las mañana al ir a trabajar o al terminar la jornada de trabajo. Que funcione por una alarma audible.
Marc-Antoine commented
Tell waze my destination address and the time I need to be there. Waze keeps an eye out on traffic and tells me at what time I must leave to be there on time given the current traffic condition. Option to select a number of minutes of warning prior to the MUST LEAVE NOW time...
Anonymous commented
I was just about to suggest this. Very Useful tool!
Paul Carlos Gutierrez commented
Shai Domb commented
View Notification when to go for your event.
If the event begins at 15:00 Set me when to get out ahead of time
Gal Gibli commented
Waze creates a map based on the current status of the traffic to my destination.
I think it is essential to have a future route by traffic based on past experience.
This way the user will be able to plan a route tomorrow morning and get the time that he needs to leave and start his travel based on past experience of traffic on the way to his destination + the time suggested to start the travel.
If the user needs to be someplace on Tuesday at 13:00, he will ask for the route and times a day before (on Monday).
Waze will then suggest to start traveling at 11:30 because based n traffic from the last 6 months it seems that the travel time from the user's location to his destination is approximately 1:20 hours. -
KC commented
Mainly for commuters, it would be great if Waze could suggest the optimal departure time to arrive in the least amount of time based on statistical data, with realtime updates. For example, let's say I need to be in Greenwich, CT between 8:00 and 8:45am. Waze could tell me exactly when to leave to minimize driving time. The morning of, Waze could alert me if traffic conditions change and I need to leave earlier to arrive on time.