route overview
Please add an option to see either a birds-eye overview or a turn-by-turn list (or both?) of the route Waze is taking me on.
Sometimes I know I want to avoid a particular road. So when Waze plots a route for me at the start, I can review the proposed alternate routes and choose one. But if I need to deviate from that route to make a side errand maybe, Waze will recalculate my route on the fly, going back to its #1 preferred route. If I'm not paying close attention, this sends me back over to the road I wanted to avoid in the first place! It's hard to tell early on in a route whether Waze found a good alternate for me or if it's sending me to the toll road yet again, for example. Being able to see an overview of the entire route would allow me decide whether I should follow the navigation guidance or not.
Great news. Route overview is available is both map view and table view.
Moti Prager commented
Show route destination on carplay to make sure you are driving to the supposed location
Ak commented
It is NOT easily available. It should be a first screen click. Now I have to move the screen then click overview. This is bad user experience and off outing. Re center and overview should be top level options I can toggle between.
Dustin Higgins commented
I just added a "never take this road" suggestion to the forum. There has been times that I was going somewhere for the first time and Waze sends me down a terrible road that has potholes all over it. I think it would be good to be able to select an option on the fly to avoid that particular road, just in case I forget the next time I'm going that way.
Anonymous commented
Dear wonderful waze developers
Your app is great & wonderful. I'm sure that you have heard many great accomplishments & badly needed assistance waze has done for its users. Astounding creative useful and more.1. Preview trip as in Google map desktop.
2. Prepare trip according to the user's wish. (Pass on certain bridge, street, etc.)
3. Memorable or favorite locations to be reminded every time the user passes. i.e. Grandma's home, observation point, worship house, favorite highway stop, favorite food facility, duty free, change of speed zone, etc.
4. Find Local detours.
I'd be happy to hear from you. -
Anonymous commented
A step by step of the entire route would be invaluable
Steven commented
There has always been a way to do that.
Tap the next turn bar at the top and you get the full turns list. -
Anonymous commented
I just wanted to take a look at the step by step directions and quickly memorize them so I could use my phone for something else without waze coming up and I couldn’t so I used apple’s maps instead. Would be great if there was a way to see step by step directions on waze
Bob Drotman commented
This is a great point. I also have this problem and would love to be able to see an overview when I am traveling a route of say 360 miles.
Anonymous commented
Agreed. In my situation when travelling relatively locally when the freeway has heavy traffic I prefer to take back streets so I can keep moving even if it is a little longer, and avoid the freeway.Currently I go through the settings and find this option to turn it off (then often forget before I next plot my route). Having the option when setting the route to decide on the fly to avoid toll roads, free ways, very busy roads (even if they moving) would be great
Anonymous commented
Being able to quickly see a zoomed out view when selecting a route (top 3 shown) or deviating from the rout would be helpful.
yosef commented
like now if i am viewing other parts of the map, there is an option to press and it takes me right back to where i am? i want an option to be able to see from where i am to my destination! for example if my detestation is home and i left work, it will show me from where i am on the road to my home, like in a panning motion so i can view the road on my way
vzs974 commented
It was available in one of the previous versions, somehow unfortunatelly the feature disappeared. And even the double-tip in 2D-view: in previous versions It was possible to focus on one part of the route, and my "car" was not always moved to the center of the display. Sorry I miss these features...
Anonymous commented
Agreed, an overview map, as well as a list of turns and roads to be traveled would be helpful. Additionally, I want the ability to be able to select a road that should be avoided, in the event of an issue on that road, or just the fact that I hate driving on that road (i.e. 285 in Atlanta!!).
Rocco Guarino commented
Yes please add a route overview. And I would like to be able to see the route and a list of directions before it makes me start driving the route.
Alysse commented
Agree it's annoying to not see step by step turn directions ahead of the actual navigation. Bewildered that this isn't a feature. Need to use google maps then :(
Gaspard commented
Yes please, much desired!
Note that this suggestion has been posted several times with slightly different titles.
I propose the preview to cycle between 15 minutes route ahead, 1 hour ahead and entire route ahead, or something similar.
The user could tap on the instructions area (top of the screen), with a preference setting to chose between list of instructions or map preview of the route ahead.
It must be a simple tap while driving.
Thanks! -
Ben Taratoot commented
Please add the route overview feature. Many times I know where something is, so I don't need turn-by-turn navigation running. I just need to know the best route. Sometimes I simply need to know one critical turn. Most frequently though when I get into the car and start Waze, the first turn is east but my destination is west. I'm left wondering if my GPS isn't "synced" up yet, or if Waze has a good reason for going out of the way.
Anonymous commented
Would also like to have this, options to choose multiple routes without knowing what the route path is not really a choice.
Km commented
Amen. I'm not using the app until I can see the proposed plan in advance and in its entirety. I realize it changes on the fly but I am right now looking at 3 routes - all with tons of traffic. I want the shortest one but are you taking me over the bridge, through the tunnel? Which one? No way... Need to know the general plan before embarking..
Peter Roof commented
Perhaps show an overview when selecting optional route or just before you start the journey.