Avoiding roads
Allow us to avoid certain roads alongs routes, (toll roads, construction, traffic)

Great news. Setting to avoid toll roads is already available globally. It is also possible to mark dangerous zones on map editor level, so the app could warn you if your route goes through one of dangerous zones.
Mordechai Katz commented
חשוב מאד
צבי קופשיץ (הערשי) commented
זה חשוב לי מאוד שיהיה וויז לכוהנים שיגיד איפה יש קברים ואיפה צריך להיזהר
s kohn commented
all kohanim please vote for this
Danny commented
This is useful but avoiding minor or unmarked roads is even more important - see other comments in this thread and 'Avoid Minor Roads' thread.
י. כהן commented
חשוב שיהיה אפשרות לסמן לעצמי כבישים שאינני רוצה לעבור דרכם. נכון שיש אפשרות ברמת עורכי מפה לכבישים מסוכנים. אבל הכוונה שלי זה כך: שתהיה האפשרות לסמן ולהוסיף לעצמי כבישים שאין ברצוני לעבור בהם מסיבותי האישיות.
Peter J commented
In UK it’s SINGLE TRACK roads I want to avoid. Recently Waze has routed me from a major road on the direct route to the destination to a single track road - a rediculous route! It simply needs to have an option to avoid single track roads.
חיים commented
חשוב מאוד
ישעיהו לוי commented
חשוב מאוד לכל הכהנים החרדים!!!
מיכאל כהן commented
יעזור מאוד מאוד
Dianne Flowers commented
Today Waze suggested a "shortcut" that took me on a very dangerous road - one which dead bodies have been dumped on and a gang shooting took place on in the last few weeks. Fortunately, my gut told me to drive at a good clip, take stop signs as suggestions, and it was still full daylight.
There should be a way for drivers to mark a street as "unfriendly" and have Waze navigate around such dangerous areas. -
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
כבישים שבונים בהם וכדומה
Anonymous commented
יעזור מאד מאד
דן לןי commented
יש סיכוי? זה מאד יעזור
אברהם commented
Please it is urgent
Lee commented
This would make my planned routes better as currently Waze often tells me to go down roads through dangerous areas where carjacking, stray bullets, and violent protest action such as burning vehicles are commonplace. Understandably these roads are emptier than alternative safer roads.
John Owens commented
I'm aware of a local road closure due to a construction issue. I've reported it many times in Waze and Google Maps yet Waze still routes me over this road to places. It would be nice to mark this road as "avoid".
BYZ commented
נו, תסדרו עם זה משהו בבקשה!
asaf commented
Dawn Shaughnessy commented
Twice I've been routed onto undivided mountain roads that were very dangerous. Would like an option toi avoid undivided roads