Bicycle navigation and bike routes for waze!!! Please!!
Can you please add bicycle routes to the app and ways to avoid roads that go over a certain speed limit? The option to set your vehicle as a bicycle and find routes like that avoid high speed roads and roads that dont allow bikes conbined with all of the other great functions of the app will be fantastic...
But since you don't have the feature so many bicyclists won't get to navigate with your app and get the same benefits that car drivers have... I really need a navigator for bikers that shows the speed limits of the roads and if they have biking lanes before you make the trip to plan your navigation.
You should have the setting to make your vehile a bike and find bike routes, and to calculate how much time a trip will take you just have to ask the bicyclist to input their average biking speed and make your route estimates like that. Then through tracking their speed when you give them navigates your estimates can become even more accurate.
It shouldn't just be for driving navigation but also for people who have to bike places and still need to find the fastest routes avoiding cops and traffic and all the other benefits that drivers have and bikers don't because the app can't calculate routes for us unless you please make an update taking my suggestions!!
Kevin Castillo commented
Necesitamos Waze para bicicletas, rutas, etc...
Dulce María Barrón Cepeda commented
Sería estupendo que añadieran un “modo ciclista”, con el cual ver ciclovías, ciclopistas, avisos sobre talleres para bicicletas y alertas de lugares inseguros por el tráfico.
Cada día somos más personas las que nos movemos en diversos medios de transporte. Gracias! -
Alex commented
Please routes for a bycicle in the Netherlands. We are born on the bike.
Kleber commented
Poderia te opção para trajetos com bike, exemplo: Trajetos mais planos, evitando rotas com subidas ingrime, ruas onde existam ciclovias, e por aí vai. Mas de certa forma no geral, o app é ótimo, só acho que em um momento que entregas de delivery com bike estão crescendo, seria interessante vos desenvolvedores olhar pra esse lado também!
CaroKar commented
Intégrer les chemins forestiers pour cyclistes et cavaliers aussi.
Ce serait top. -
Jeff commented
You should include bicycles as a vehicle for navigation/route planning (you have a motorcycle route finder). Meaning, if I want to go somewhere by bicycle, I could use Waze to find a route. Since you already have a feature to avoid dirt roads, this combined with bicycle routes would be great. Cyclists prefer good paved roads with light traffic. Both cars and bicycles would benefit from being directed to different roads.
segolene THomas commented
Ajouter les pistes cyclables qui sont maintenant permanente. Ce qui permets de réduire les risques autant pour les automobilistes/motards que pour les cyclistes eux memes. Cela permettra peut etre aussi que ces pistes cyclables servent....
FX Robin Massé commented
In the city, certain lanes reserved for bicycles or exceptions to the rules of the road allow for much faster routes. Thanks
En ville, certaines voies réservées aux 2 roues ou exceptions au code de la route comme rouler à contre sens de voies en sens unique pour les voitures, permettent de définir des itinéraires beaucoup plus rapides. Merci -
giocor commented
Set Waze for biker. Waze registers the journey road and off-road. Biker can set in the app waze: dirty-stony-white road, road signs, bicycle lane, shared car road and other road typology. When biker set a journey, waze proposes recorded journeys. Sponsors can set: refreshment place, mechanics assistance, interesting place
parsa commented
Ok so my family have used waze for our car many years and i know how good it is to have waze asssist you with voice navigation.
I think of waze as the best tool for those who don't want to be looking at their device every 3to5 minutes; cause with cyclin around the city finding your way means stoping to check the route several times and it takes time.
I think having the best app for cyclist will make ourlives with more cycling and less double checking of the path. we need an option for bike in the "choose your vehicle" part to make the routes found by the app exclusively for bikes. They usually have especially made paths just for bike and they are well better and shorter. -
Samia commented
Por favor busquen rutas más adecuadas para los ciclistas, ya que los envían por avenidas sumamente peligrosas y corren muchos riesgos por favor hagan algo
Anonymous commented
Kan u u wegen voor voetgangers en fietsen voorzien? dank u
Anonymous commented
As you see there are a huge increase of people just riding bicycles this pandemic. It would highly be appreciated if you can help us cyclist better way of navigation like the safest routes, bike lanes and etc. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
I use waze on my bicycle.
It would be great to be able to choose bicycle as vehicle type.
Show up on other users map as a bicycle.
Alert drivers by playing a short bike bell ring as drivers get near, or at intersections. -
Carlos commented
Deberían incorporar la opción de rutas en bicicletas, ya que es un medio de transporte muy utilizado.
Anonymous commented
As a Cyclists we need short cuts to not stack in the traffic. To follow same directions with drivers and riders reduces our energy and more dangerous being in busy road. So we need navigation what makes our way shorter and safer.
KLEIN commented
Bonjour, j'utilise tous les jours WAZE pour mes parcours à vélo. C'est très pratique, MERCI.
Mais, le véhicule VÉLO n'est pas référencé dans les paramètres véhicule. Dommage !
À chaque fois que j'utilise une piste cyclable, j'ai systématiquement un rappel pour rejoindre la route la plus proche alors que le chemin utilisé apparaît bien sur la carte sans aucun problème ( chemin de halage le long d'un canal, voie cycliste le long d'une rivière, chemin en forêt,...).
Ce serait vraiment le + indéniable pour tout automobiliste lorsqu'il devient cycliste.
Là, vos programmateurs peuvent améliorer cela. Par avance, je les en remercie sincèrement.
Si vous souhaitez, je peux même le tester pour vous.
Vous souhaitant bonne réception,
Bien cordialement.
Frédéric KLEIN
06 89 85 15 70 -
Anonymous commented
למשל הוספת ניווט לאופניים וגם אפשרות לרשום גם מוצא לא רק יעד אם אני רוצה לבוק כמה זמן זה ממקום אחר שאני לא נמצא למקום מסוים, וגם אפשרות להוסיף מפות חיות שייראו ממש בניינים וכבישים כמו בגוגל ארץ, אם יהיה ניווט עם דבר כזה זה הכי טוב וגם יפה לעין זה יהיה ממש מדהים
Charles Beaty commented
This would be great for motorcycle riders as well. I am an avid bike rider and am always nervous when someone is behind me possibly texting or distracted. I am a Waze user as well.
Carl Ashby commented
Having bicycles added to the list of vehicles