Bicycle navigation and bike routes for waze!!! Please!!
Can you please add bicycle routes to the app and ways to avoid roads that go over a certain speed limit? The option to set your vehicle as a bicycle and find routes like that avoid high speed roads and roads that dont allow bikes conbined with all of the other great functions of the app will be fantastic...
But since you don't have the feature so many bicyclists won't get to navigate with your app and get the same benefits that car drivers have... I really need a navigator for bikers that shows the speed limits of the roads and if they have biking lanes before you make the trip to plan your navigation.
You should have the setting to make your vehile a bike and find bike routes, and to calculate how much time a trip will take you just have to ask the bicyclist to input their average biking speed and make your route estimates like that. Then through tracking their speed when you give them navigates your estimates can become even more accurate.
It shouldn't just be for driving navigation but also for people who have to bike places and still need to find the fastest routes avoiding cops and traffic and all the other benefits that drivers have and bikers don't because the app can't calculate routes for us unless you please make an update taking my suggestions!!
Anonymous commented
En tant que motard, j’aime le crée des itinéraires précis afin de les suivre par la suite avec le gps.
certes certaine application comme Calimoto le proposer, mais la navigation gps n’est pas à la hauteur de Waze.
Ils serais donc bien d’intégrer une option de création d’itineraire avec différentes étapes, afin de pouvoir suivre celui ci.
Beaucoup de motard attende cela. -
Anonymous commented
Please, I legáveis in Jacksonville Beach and News it really bad
Ty! -
Nicolas commented
Dans la catégorie de véhicule on a le choix entre voiture taxi moto il faudrait rajouter un mode vélo pour éviter les autoroutes, les routes dangereuses et qui privilégie les piste cyclables quand il y en a
massimiliano commented
come è possibile geolocalizzare l'auto vorrei che sia possibile anche anche localizzare tramite gps anche il ciclista in modo che gli automobilisti sappiano che ci sono ciclisti nei paraggi sarebbe una grande cosa e darebbe molto +sicure al ciclista che tutti i giorni si muove per le strade delle città mondiali....
Emiliano commented
Add option for bicycle: it will improve not just improve safety, but also promote this eco-friendly and healty vehicles. Its implementation includes:
- Automatic bike report: if a rider is using Waze all cars around will get a notification about it. SAFER!
- Voice alert recognition: to help bikers report things without getting their phones out of their backpacks.
- Include bike-lanes: just for ciclists of course! -
Anonymous commented
to share our best places for bikers!!!
Rachel commented
As a person living in the Netherlands (very bike-dense country) I would LOVE to see a bicycle option in Waze. I know I could use Google Maps but they are now forcing you to install their app, which I don't want on my phone (due to already having a slow phone and not wanting to install more apps to slow it down further), and I just love using Waze. The only option I have when cycling somewhere now is taking pictures of the google map with my phone and trying to figure out where to go whilst cycling, which is dangerous, annoying and inconvenient. I really hope Waze will include a bike feature in the near future so people can comment on road works on bicycle routes and maybe even have an option to warn users about frost in winter so users can take routes that have been de-iced (with sand/salt) etc.The options for a social navigation app such as Waze are endless! Also, cycling more is way healthier for us and our planet so is definitely the way to go in the future!!
John commented
This is an excellent idea. People like us can also edit maps to show best bike friendly routes.
Eric Phillips commented
Or use realtime data from apps like strava or mapmyride.
CALIOD commented
I agree Jason
Anonymous commented
very Necessary
Anonymous commented
Quisiera saber si lanzaran alguna actualización para poder tener navegación en cuánto a bicicletas.
Matthew Tan Pichay commented
Dear Waze, plz do consider to add in other vehicle type at the "NAVIGATION>More Options" for greater convenience from different user type: Bicycle, Segway etc. With this plz do consider a better way for these user/vehicle to access the fastest inner roads (which of coz u gotta tweak to a 3D/4D visual so the user/vehicle would know) :Through buildings, corridors, ramp, plain field etc. Just my 2 cents on Marketing
Sergio de la Garza commented
Seria ideal tener la opcion de rutas para la bicicleta, creo que solo google maps y Bike citizens (que es inglesa) la tienen.
Anonymous commented
Seria ainda mais legal, se o waze tivesse as ciclo faixas cadastradas e redirecionasse os ciclistas para elas. Realmente a ideia deles aparecerem na nossa poderia evitar graves acidentes.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice if waze could extracted data from my Strava activity, so it was easy to register bicycle paths and trails
Patricia commented
It would be nice if we can use waze when driving a bycicle with routes
Anonymous commented
I would soooo love for Waze to add an option for cyclist, I use your app while commuting everyday but there are times where I ended up on motor ways with my bike, please please integrate this choice in your app. Keep up the good work.
Timothy Credle commented
I live in coastal Delaware and bicycle culture is bigger than ever. With so many new trails in the area it might be nice to have a version just for bicyclists or perhaps a way to identify as a bicyclist to all waze users?
Ando muito em estradas e sempre vejo ciclistas. Seria interessante se houvesse um waze alternativo para ciclistas. Seria bom para eles se orientarem e verem as anotações feitas por motoristas, assim como fazer recomendações ligadas ao trecho que estão. Mas o mais importante seria os carros poderem vê-los antecipadamente, prevenindo acidentes. Espero que isso ocorra, acho muito legal a convivência entre bicicletas e carros, com respeito de ambos os lados!