Rest Stop information
Could you either add rest stops, or allow us to report rest stops, as well as distance to the next one as reported/displayed?

Anonymous commented
This would be really helpful. Populate the entire map system with these and this could be a set up like gas stations and restaurants.
Amber commented
It would be great if Waze added a search button for rest stops & public restrooms like they already do for "coffee" and gas. This would be helpful for all commuters. Because if you did a survey, to determine the high percentage of gas stations and mini marts that have an "out of order" sign posted, you would be shocked.
And perhaps Waze users could drop a "pin" or flag a business that allows Waze users, access to their public restroom (including hours of operation to said accessible restroom. For instance my local STARBUCKS list it's hours of operations M-Sun, open till 1am. But only the drive through is open till 1am, the main establishment locks the doors to enter at 10pm.)
These suggestions are a win/win situation, providing free positive advertising, driving customers to their business and creating loyal clientele for said businesses who let Waze drivers use their restrooms!
Doorman352 commented
Maybe also if the rest stop is closed.
Anonymous commented
Please add rest stops
Anonymous commented
Very important in Aus with long distances especially as councils have provided some great ones
Anonymous commented
Let user set driving time after which they would like a break suggestion on long journeys
Tettigoniidae commented
Hi Waze community!
I have a few friends in the trans community and it really bothers me to see them struggle with basic necessities like using a public restroom. This would be a beneficial feature for app users to categorize what kind of bathrooms that any public buildings have (gas stations, restaurants, stores, etc) with just a bit more detail, that way people know where to go - without any hassle from the public with contrary views.
I'm not sure the best way to do it, especially as some waze users may not be keen on trans friendly bathrooms. So there would have to be emphasis on the 'neutral but informative' aspect of this feature.
Maybe when users do a search of a place where businesses are listed as having a restroom, there could be color code it or have a distinct icon that distinguishes what / where is what. For example,green: any gender welcome, non specific 'requirements', or just unisex bathroom-s.
red: gender specific requirements.
grey: neutral or unknown, the particular bathroom hasn't been categorized by a waze visitor or business yet.Or maybe even something as simple as users just listing whether public restrooms are unisex or not. Thank you for reading!
Anonymous commented
Show rest areas on the map
PierreQuiRoule- commented
Hi Wazers,
As I sometimes have to drive for long distances, I would find useful if Waze could let me know where I will be halfway (or after 6 hours of driving, ...), so that I could find a hotel nearby in advance.
I'm thinking about the functionalities provided by or for example.Thanks for reading this, and maybe take into account for further developments.
David Becker commented
Rest area report on map for major highways and freeway s
Anonymous commented
I use your at all the time when I travel. It would be so nice if you could add rest stops
Olivia commented
Add an option to show nearby rest areas off main highways.
Allienello commented
Providing Rest Areas allows users to better plan there break. Allow users to rate the facility for cleanliness.
Anonymous commented
Some navigation apps show you distances to upcoming (multiple) exits as well as the next rest area. This would be a great addition to Waze.
Anonymous commented
While driving with kids on highway, it is verey use option.
RandyWV commented
Please add when you are older you will find out fast when up need one. Sometimes we HAVE to stop beside the road just to relive.
Mel Aclaro commented
Agree. Also, allow Wazers to report whether or not a Rest Stop is Open or Closed. Other Wazers... please vote this one up and share on your social networks!
Toni Beery commented
Rate restrooms similar to how we update gas stations. Make restroom icons green yellow or red according to condition.
Anonymous commented
Show rest areas in navigation mode.
Anonymous commented
I came to ask the same question and stumbled upon this. My family travels A LOT and we're constantly looking for rest areas because someone's always gotta go.