Use the telephone acceletor to get data about road quality
Use the telephone acceletor to get data about the general quality of the road. I live near roads that your phone would be shaking constantly. The accelerometer can be useful to give an overall quality rating for each segment.
Then waze could have an option prefer to choose good roads when routing.

Catrin Brooks commented
Bad data can lead to disastrous consequences. According to Gartner, the average financial cost of bad data is $15 million per year. No business can afford not to prioritize data quality management. Even worse, it could lead to serious mistakes. If your data is of low quality, you can't make informed decisions.
André Lana commented
Very useful. Specially here in Brazil
Anonymous commented
Mobile sensors could be used to measure the roads quality! eg it us useless to forward someone to a route if the route is bumpy!
Anonymous commented
Very useful feature!
Anonymous commented
I would like to suggest that use the phone's accelerometer and gyro sensor to map road conditions and calculate bad condition roads are slow
hey now #deleteJosh commented
Makes way too many assumptions about vehicles
טל רם commented
הכוונה הייתה לקבוע תמרורים, לא רמזורים.
טל רם commented
ניתן לבצע אבחון של בורות בכביש על ידי זיהוי רטט בתדר גבוה במד התאוצה שחוזר באותו המיקום בכביש.
ניתן לאבחן שסיבוב מסויים הוא חד מדי ביחס למהירות התנועה בפועל על ידי מדידת תאוצה זויתית וזיהוי מקרים החורגים מהנורמה.
אפשר לזהות מקומות שונים בהם מתרחשות שוב ושוב בלימות פתע.
וכן הלאה - תוך הסתמכות על מד התאוצה התלת מימדי בשילוב עם חיישן המיקום והמפה.
כל אלה יעזרו לממונים על מצב הכבישים לזהות נקודות תורפה בטיחותיות ובתגובה:
- לתקן בורות בכביש
- לקבוע רמזורים שיסייעו להפחית התנגשויות וירידה מהנתיב.
- לתכנן ולבנות מחדש קטעי כביש בעייתיים תוך הסתמכות על מידע סטטיסטי נרחב ומהימן.זה גם יוכל לעזור למשתמשים על ידי כך שתסופק להם שכבת מידע נוספת
הכוללת סימון ותיאור נקודות תורפה בטיחותיות וקבועות בדרכים.כמובן שכדי לתרום ליצירת שכבה זו יש צורך לבקש מהמשתמשים הסכמה לחלוק מידע ממד התאוצה.
אם תרצו, אסכים שתרשמו פטנט על הרעיון ואחתום עליו.
אם תמצאו לנכון לשלם תגמול עבור הרעיון זה יהיה נחמד מאוד
אבל בכל מקרה, הרעיון הוא שלכם גם ללא תשלום
עשו בו כרצונכם למען קהל המשתמשים.בברכה,
טל רם
052-3792275 -
Davidson commented
Todo aparelho de telefone celular tem como sensor o acelerômetro. Se o wase ler o acelerômetro do celular, poderá marcar automaticamente buracos, lombadas e trepidações exageradas acusadas pelo acelerômetro, pedindo para o usuário somente a confirmação do evento, bem como, indicar a média de vibração da via em função da velocidade, podendo com o tempo classificar as vias pelo nível de vibração, permitindo optar por rotas mais comodas, com menor vibração.
Mario Barreto commented
Like a small seismograph, the app can use a smart algoritm to monitor the quality of the pavement. This data can be used an accessed by user and can be sold to the government, mayors and engineering company's.
You can make money using it. Send me some. Thanks a lot and good luck. -
Áron Székely commented
A kind of bonus feature would be, that after the implementation of this feature there would be data on how the users car responds to certain road conditions. If the suspension of the car wears out or some other sort of problem develops, the app can notify the user that something's up.
Fab commented
Excelant idea. I believed I was the first having this idea. You got it 3 years ago.
It would be a good feature if a passenger is painful. -
Jānis Grīnvalds commented
Craig C Chen - Hi!
If properly made, system could take in account most of the records of cars with similar patterns of shaking.
By the way - shaking it self caused by human and surface are matter of research. If user - companion is keeping device in hands, or device is mounted in elastic mount, bumps on road make shaking with some kind of echo... for example: there is pothole, but after car shake, any object in human hands ir elastic mount makes it shake several times. Couse human body is like water balloon which waves after impulse like move. If human shakes device him self for some reason - pattern of shake will be different. Also if mount of device is stable and hard, then there will not be(almost) any echo like wave patterns of shaking. So taking this in account, program at server could also filter out these artificial shakes, and only then compare number of passes through same section of road in same direction. Of course it could check also patterns from opposite direction, to make more precise surface graph if road is narrow.
Using such module, waze could also automatically map or show to map editors road-speed-bumps.
To map by hand just bad condition of road is not possible. Quality changes less or more fast not as just center-lines of roads.
I may tell You real story. It was 5 years ago. I used TomTom and we did night ride home from quite far town home. So tom tom drew route which indeed was shorter and faster, but no one uses this road to go form that town to our destination and we understand why. It was 90% gravel in very bad condition and very winding. I believe that after shoveling this is smooth rally-like track, but that night it was awful! Thanks God our car was tough enough! So this example shows that other day or month we could take same road without worries and shaking. -
Jānis Grīnvalds commented
I suggested this feature as well. And there is solution for arguments mentioned above:
- we are talking about surfaces which will be noticeable by any modern car, where shaking will take place anyway;
- intelligent approach to this problem is to check and compare several passes over same road segments. If most of passes are not "shaking" at all or shaking too differently, then it means user's generated shaking. But if shake pattern/graph seems similar after (lets say) 5 passes, then this measurement can be trusted and published. So we don't even need several users crossing same segment, but just compare several passes of same user. It could be useful at remote area.Idea is vital for sensitive car users or for those who has little kids could be sleeping or just prefer comfortable riding instead of fastest or shorter route. Those users could just use additional check box for "smoothest surface route".
But this feature also could automatically warn about not just bumpy road, but real pothole dangers without bothering users to warn. This also could work only after repetitive, same-place expression.
In addition I can tell that several cities in USA and UK are using phones and community to map bad condition roads. So why not use such feature in whole world through using Waze, esp when worse roads happen to be in less wealthy countries.
Craig C Chen commented
Good idea but some cars are made so good that you don't feel the bumps on the roads at all.
jancis1 commented
this is good idea, but what if many drivers shake their phone in hands and it is not glued to the car window?
nanobug commented
This is an interesting idea. If done properly, it could indeed provide useful info about the state of the pavement.