Directing to closest physical location of PIN is sometimes a HAZARD! Please read why.
If you can fix THIS Waze will be the best navigation app BY FAR!
There is a problem that ALL the navigation maps have, including Google Maps and even the new navigation map that Uber has developed. If WAZE can fix this WAZE will be THE superior navigation map!
It has to do with the location PIN. It seems ALL navigation maps direct to the closest physical location of the PIN. They disregard the fact that OFTEN, even though it's the closest physical place to the PIN, access is blocked to the spot where the PIN is.
This is the most aggravating problem for ride-share drivers like myself! Often a PIN is dropped at the back of a property. This causes the map to direct you to the ally at back of the building which is almost NEVER where the person is waiting to be picked up. If WAZE can figure out how to direct to the spot IN FRONT of the building, ON THE STREET of the ADDRESS of the building, then WAZE will be the best!
EXAMPLE: The PIN for Mayfield Senior School in Pasadena sits in the middle of their property. The closest physical street location to their PIN is on a cul-du-sac DEAD END in a residential neighborhood. The ONLY actual entrance to Mayfield Senior School is through their gate at 500 Bellefontaine STREET. But WAZE keeps directing me down the cul-du-sac called Bellefontaine PLACE. (I've received another email saying it's fixed. I'll see if that's true this Tuesday. It WASN'T fixed the 1st time WAZE reported it fixed.) The simplest fix for this particular issue is to move their PIN to the entrance of their gate at 500 Bellefontaine STREET.
But can you fix this overall problem? I can't be the only one to complain about this issue! I would really like to hear from you about this and you progress in resolving it.
I want to describe another incident involving this issue that made my life difficult one night. I can't remember if I was driving for Lyft or Uber or even if I was using Google or WAZE. Since both apps have the same problem it doesn't matter. I got a pickup request at a very large apartment complex in Covina, California. I followed the map's directions until I heard, "You have arrived!" But I was sitting in an ally behind the complex. There was a fence with no gate between the ally and the apartment complex so my rider couldn't even get to me through the back of his complex if he wanted to. I realized I had to get the actual address and find my way to the front. It was BLOCKS and BLOCKS away from where I was! I was very late picking up my rider after the app had told him that I had already arrived.
ANOTHER EXAMPLE: A few times when I was driving toward a destination I've heard "You have arrived!" BUT I WAS ON THE FREEWAY! The PIN was right next to the Freeway on the other side of the Freeway wall. Our cars cannot LEAP across the Freeway wall and land in front of our destination. THIS IS A HAZARD BECAUSE it forces us to take our eyes off the road at high speed. We have to look at our phones and figure out how to get to our destination without WAZE's help. WAZE becomes very UNHELPFUL in that instance because it keeps trying to direct us back onto the Freeway!
This problem happens WAY too often! I and THOUSANDS of other people will be so happy if you can fix it.
Thanks for listening!
Charell Wyatt Charlie
8420 Manzanar Avenue
Pico Rivera, California 90660
Call or text: 562-233-8579

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