Economic (Green) route
We already have the fastest and shortest routes. How about the greenest routes?
Thad Vuolo commented
I, too, would like to see a "most energy efficient" route type along with "fastest," and "shortest." I drive a Nissan Leaf, and using the Avoid freeways routing works fairly well, but avoiding hills and such would be nice, too.
Pedro commented
Hola, el viaje Madrid-Bilbao, se puede hacer todo por peaje 22€, sin embargo si haces un tramo por carretera nacional (Ameyugo-Armiñón) te sale por 5,50€, además hay un tramo de peaje que es gratuito y waze no lo contempla.
Lucien Stée commented
Avoir un choix supplémentaire « économique » je n’aime pas faire 10km de plus pour gagner 1 minute, avoir le choix sur ce se rapport km/mn.
Anonymous commented
Proposer des sorties de l'autoroute pour payer moins cher le trajet total. Exit proposition to pays less on motorway.
Wes Bielinski commented
I agree. Waze picks the fastest route to my parents house at 23 minutes, it's 22 miles and a $0.90 toll. Taking the street it's 25 minutes, 10 miles and no toll. I burn half a gallon less of gas, half the wear and tear on my car and don't have to pay a toll for a 2 minutes longer trip. Which is the greener route?
Oto commented
Waze doesn't have terrain model(3d map) the map is flat. Just take a shortest and it will consume less fuel.
Sérgio Pereira commented
Somente pelo fato da rota ser mais curta n"ao indica que é a mais econômica por conta do trânsito ser mais travado, com muitos redutores de velocidade, vias esburacadas/irregulares e sinais.
David commented
Both electric cars and everyone who cares about fuel efficiency would love to find a route that uses the least amount of fuel/energy. It would be great if Waze could calculate a route based on fuel consumption and suggest a route that uses less. It would be a wonderful thing if Waze could say,"We help save x tons of CO2 every day by routing drivers to be more fuel efficient".
Rarebit commented
What's a "chip route"?
Anonymous commented
To suggest chip route (less stop-start)
sangorys commented
I would love to have the "economic" route to reduce car costs which could take into account : obligatory stops, less traffic, more constant speed (less break and acceleration), highway costs, ... We can also imagine a slide where we can adapt the time vs cost !
Anonymous commented
Companies need to deliver and collect goods at various locations. But they do not know the fastest and most economical way. And check needs to be done the way the delivery.
Anonymous commented
Fucking hippies
Anonymous commented
Includes less corners, less obligatory stops, less traffic, higher speed, well conservaded roads...
Claudio commented
I had an idea: changing the focus (today 100% on the user), for a mix of the best for the user and better for the city.
Changing from "fastest way" or "shortest route" + "x% better to the city", there could be an intelligence that between paths with little difference, Waze send the user to the one that is best for the city.
For example : avoid a street that has more accelerated or expensive wear problems of land cover, avoid or avoid a hospital´s or police´s adjacencies, or avoid risks areas.
There is another care to take, for exemple: almost everyone who drives from my neighborhood to the city center will receive the same "fast/short path", but, if everyone goes by the same best path, maybe it could be not the best path anymore.
Arturo Flores commented
Sometimes the difference on one way or other is no too much in terms of time, but it is much more in terms of cost, I could be more than happy of waist 5 minutes but save $50 USD
Anonymous commented
This is especially important for electric vehicles but also all vehicles perform worse on hills and mountains. This could be presented in two ways:
1. An extra route which was labeled "least elevation gain"
2. An option to "avoid hills"This elevation data could be gathered by taking GPS altitude readings then normalizing data from barometric pressure sensors against reported weather.
Anonymous commented
Give some example.
Luciano commented
When going from point A to B, the 2D map shows a shorter route that actually is longer in 3D when A and B are in opposite sides of a hill. The smarter (and more economic) route would be to circle the hill.
Sergey Masharov commented
"Green", or "Optimal" route in my opinion should be less agressive to time or lenght of route. Now I often see the routes that offer to make a detour of several miles in order to save just a few seconds. Ideally, the ratio should be set by the Wazer. For example, one minute per mile seems reasonable weight.