waze gps
make your own device just for waze gps

Don Sheaffer commented
I have GPS - I think it’s Garmen - in my car. Can I add Waze to it?
Anonymous commented
People are still buying Garmin devices and the like, which are far inferior to Waze on any number of levels. And Google already has the infrastructure for making phone-like devices, and they have their own wifi network in place already, so it could all be bundled together - a simple waze device, with a $5/month subscription...I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
Troy commented
I would like a standalone device from Waze!
The only reason I don't use Waze for every drive I make is because it kills my phone battery so much.
I'm sure if we had access to a standalone device way more people would consider Waze.A small device like what Coyote has is just perfect for everyday use. For now I'm only using Waze when I'm on roads I don't know or for long trips. If I had a standalone device I'd be using this all the time.
The community would see such and improvement with a device like that. We would have so much more warnings from things on the street. I often see stuff on the road but I can't add it on Waze because it isn't on when I drive.
I mean, if Waze was able to make a small device that behaves just like the app, but only on a standalone device a LOT of people would buy it.
If it would be in the price range from 100-150€ I would buy it immediately and I'd be using Waze every day.
I think a lot of Waze users will agree with me that we need a standalone device.
Anonymous commented
Olá, estava pensando o mesmo!!
Na minha empresa colocaria em todos os veículos.
Anonymous commented
Verdade meu amigo, eu também queria um GPS com sistema Waze. Seria sensacional!!!!!
Rarebit commented
The idea is to use your GSM as GPS in order not to have additional hardware.
Norman Snyder commented
Have WAZE have it's own GPS.
Rodolfo Jordano Scapin commented
Deveriam vender um aparelho proprio com sistema Waze, eu seria o primeiro a comprar, utilizo o celular para as viagens, se eu pudesse comprar um proprio GPS da waze eu ficaria muito satisfeito, terei que comprar um GPS alternativo com outro sistema por que preciso do celular nas viagens.