A way to delete my own report.
My idea is... A way to delete my own "report". I placed a report by mistake and wanted to take it off but couldn't!
Marek Hraba (Mara) commented
Hey there guys, this suggestion has 1767 votes (in this moment) and was posted in year 2012...12,x years passed and no response from devs or no changes were made. Are you still sure, that it's a good idea try to talk to someone, when he isn't listening? I just accidentaly set driveway in front of hotel to closed road and now everyone, who would like to use Waze, to get here, is out of luck... :D Well I give it a comment, that it was just a mistake, but removing it would be better. But this popular app could be much much more better in many ways, but it isn't and never will, beucase nobody is listening to users. Maybe someone with a lots of money, can persuade devs, to change something, but only using their money. I don't have spare money for this s**t, so f**k it, I will leave it be... xD
aquilla commented
that is good idea
Mike commented
Logged a traffic via voice accidentally but can't remove it. I feel the person who reported the situation should have the option to remove it within the first certain period of time. Say within the first 5 min? People make mistakes. Having options to indicate that it's not there by other users is not the only useful way to make waze more efficient I feel. Sometime I wouldn't go into the report when driving and only look at the traffic report icon and try and avoid that street if possible.
Joe Mistery (Loopers) commented
Penting ada butang padam untuk report yang salah dan butang hapus komen.Sangat penting.
monicadhawkins@gmail.com commented
I reported a road closure in front of my house. I need to be able to remove that reported hazard.
gar b commented
Ini sangat mengganggu saya, saya pernah melakukannya sebelumnya secara tidak sengaja dan Anda merasa bersalah karena menyesatkan!
gar b commented
Ikon bahaya terdorong secara tidak sengaja. Tombol hapus atau batal diperlukan.
gar b commented
Tolong adakan fitur batalkan atau hapus simbol
J commented
Pushed hazard icon accidentally. Delete or undo button is needed. But seeing this is ongoing guess it won't be fixed.
Eziekel Gimarino commented
An Undo And Delete Button
Kayne D commented
Undo or delete reports accidentally added to the map
Kevin commented
I'd like a simple, two-click UNDO option to delete my last report if I realize it was inaccurate. Like, if I look in my rear-view and see the stopped car I just reported pulling off the shoulder and back onto the road.
It would be easy:
Click Report ➡️ Click UNDO most recent report
Trevor Harlan commented
NEEDS to have a way to undo your own report in case you use the wrong report or didn't mean to use one at all. Also need a way to put a report for an area you passed so you can at least get somewhere safe to post it if need be, maybe drop a report pin within 1 mile or something similar. As is, it's too easy to cause misinformation or use the app in a dangerous way.
Timothy Rowe commented
Undo button after making a report would be great.
Randy F. commented
People make mistakes and if the app's effectiveness is predicated on human interaction a delete or undo function for reporting is important.
Alex Jackson commented
This annoys me so much, I’ve done it before by accident and the guilt you feel for misleading! This needs to be inputted!
James D. “JD” Berry commented
Oh wow. 10 years ago!! WTF
Anonymous commented
Google acquired Waze for about $1 billion in 2013 and then never looked back. Sad.
Tracey Cash commented
Wow, users asking for 10 years now, and nothing done about it. Ended up here Googling the same issue. Sad.
Maaz Jowher commented
Please give an option to undo the report made by mistake.
Also allow an option to update the report by others of it doesn't exist anymore