Automatically put on voice when something is different from the regular
usually when you drive everyday the same road you put only the voice on silence expect attentions because i know the way buy heart. Because waze supposed to learn my favorite way to work i would like to suggest that if something happen on the regular way and there is a change on the route that the instructions will be with voice even that i chooze not to. because otherwize i can miss the change and go automatically the regular way.

Sara Todd commented
Every day I drive to work. Waze knows that I usually do that, and asks me whether that's where I'm going. So if it knows that, why can't it distinguish between the obstacles/features that are always there ("speed trap ahead") and those that are unique to a particular day ("vehicle stopped on road"). When I drive the same route every day, I know where the speed traps are. I use Waze because it can tell me what I DON'T know. Waze should be able to tell the difference and stop interrupting me every 5 seconds to provide known information.