Toll roads alert
A great feature would be the possibility to keep toll roads enabled but receive an alert when a route includes that kind of road (toll road)

Elena commented
It would be great to receive a Toll Alert whenever you have to stop at a Toll to pay. In some countries, it is quite confusing to choose a lane, and receiving an alert in advance would help enormously. Just a “Toll in 1km” alert would be great.
Powerpopaholic commented
When approaching a toll booth, an alert and a sound should happen so you know you’re about to encounter one.
Because, if you were distracted from the road at all, or driving very quickly, you should know that you’re suddenly supposed to stop down slow down from 60 miles an hour to 30 and then 0 mph.
I’m not sure if there are a lot of accidents in these situations, but certainly it’s a lot less stressful if you know you’re supposed to SUDDENLY slow down.
this may not matter for local people, but at night time, when out of town, in a mountainous area with winding roads like West Virginia North Carolina, an alert would really help
Anonymous commented
I like this idea and it should be considered
Zsóka commented
Ha figyelmetlenségből olyan útra tévedek ahol kell útdíjat venni, akkor legyen még lehetőségem a matrica beszerzésére, hogy ne legyen pótdíj.
Warning if I reach a toll road regardless of whether I am set to have a highway sticker
If I inadvertently stray on a trip where a toll has to be taken, I should still be able to get the sticker so that there is no surcharge. -
רפי אניגר commented
להוסיף התראה קולית / בהודעה כתובה לפני כניסה לכביש אגרה ו/או בשלב ש waze קובע או משנה את מסלול הנסיעה. עם כפתור בחירה שמאשר שימוש בכביש אגרה אות דחיה ואז WAZE ייתן מסלול ללא אגרה.
Anonymous commented
Can you add a toll patrol tag on the map like police?
Marco commented
I agree with that. When tolls option are active and a planned route has it no strong alert is showed and no audio alert so i disabled that option. Please improve.
P A Matheos commented
There are some instances where the destination is only served by a dirt or other type of limited capacity road. Although there are options to avoid, say, dirt roads, if it is the only option, it is routed anyway. However, the driver may choose to avoid this road anyway by changing destinations. To this end, when a dirt (or other of the non-preferred types of) road is the only option, a pop-up or other notification informing the driver of this fact would be desirable. For example "Warning! You have chosen to avoid dirt roads but your destination is only serviced by a dirt road. Continue or choose an alternative destination." Currently, the wazer may end up on a long dirt road he wasn't aware of without realizing it, even if he has selected "avoid dirt roads"
Kamelidée commented
Compare itinaries with the toll road
Martin commented
I am an argentinian Waze user, and it would be great to have voice notifications of road tolls ahead. In Argentina the prices may change between cars, motorbikes, trucks, etc. So the user will have to set up wich kind of vehicle is driving. The prices of the toll will be updated by users (exactly like gas station prices update).So, the main idea here is that your guiding voice will say you something like "Road Toll ahead, the toll price for car is $XXX". And of course, once Waze has all the toll information, when it calculates the route, Waze could show us the amount of money it will cost us to go to point A to point B.
Thank you!
Martin.- -
Anonymous commented
there is a lot of "Tolls" suggestions but mine is quite simple... just to have a notification when a toll is located in some km's...
sometime, especially in France, i'm driving and when I'm surprised because a toll, and I forgot to slow down, then I'm arriving at the toll gate really too fast...
thanks !
have a nice day,
Kel commented
Would also be helpful to be allowed to enter in the price and get that in the pop up. I know big trucks have different prices but could at least show the general price for a regular car since that's what the majority of people drive.
Kel commented
This would be great all ALL toll booths. Exit ones especially but even on the main roads so you can be sure to have your transponder out or your money ready.
Lior Walder commented
If you get into a country you should pay for toll roads in advance, like Slovenia - Show an alert at the first time with a question -
"Did you pay for the toll road before getting into it?"
I had to pay 150 Euro fine just because I didn't know I should pay for it BEFORE entering the toll road!!! -
Anonymous commented
Sería de gran ayuda poder notificar a los wazers que vienen por una autopista la presencia de un peaje, la distancia al mismo y los precios.
Andrew Washington commented
Still hasn't happened as far as I know, I pass a toll every so often near Dunham, but it never alerts me on the map, I don't mind passing it, but it would be nice if I was to be alerted to have my change ready before approaching the toll!.
Frank Barraza commented
Waze gave me directions which included the use of a TOLL Roads lane... because I was unfamiliar with the area, I followed waze's navigational instructions and received a citation the following week. This has happened to me twice. I will no long be using Waze for this reason. I feel like Waze should reimburse me as well.
Anonymous commented
Eu gostaria que o WAZE informasse e alertasse a velocidade máxima permitida nas vias.
LeoGregol commented
Ao exemplo de outros GPS, ao se aproximar das praças de pedágios na rodovia, ou posto de fiscalização rodoviário, avisar a distância.
Muitas vezes nos postos policiais há uma velocidade inferior a via, precisando respeitar este limite, até mesmo para a segurança dos que cruzam a via.
E quanto aos pedágios, é interessante o alerta sonoro para que o motorista se planeje com o dinheiro do pedágio e vá reduzindo a velocidade, pois algumas vezes o pedágio é próximo a curvas, e só se avista quando estiver muito próximo.PS.: desculpem o inglês, sou brasileiro e estou usando o "Translate".
Jeffrey Smith commented
This system would primarily apply to "exit road" toll booths and would be especially useful at night. If you're unfamiliar with the area and you happen to be in the wrong lane when you reach the toll booth road exit (and you don't have a transponder) you run a high risk of incurring a violation fine!