Make Wazer clients help with map recalculation. Save on server cost by facilitating the power of each client.
Basic idea: Distribute server tasks like map recalculation to Wazer clients.
Benefit for Wazers
- shorter map update cycles
- the more wazers we are, the faster we get updates
- "better service"
- mooooore points ;-)
Benefit for Waze
- save on server costs
- CPU power will increase over time (more Wazers; continuously improving client hardware)
Calculation should only commence if
- Wazer agrees to take part
- Waze client is on power
- Client battery is filled to a minimum level (e.g. 80%) - charge your phone first, then help other Wazers :-)
- Data: Use WiFi and/or flat rates. Save Wazers bandwidth.
Vit commented
good, if triple latency would not be issue, but would be good if phone can save time and data transfer to process most of the jobs locally.