Stop sending users going to a Summer st address to Congress st
Boston, MA.
I regularly use uber or lyft to get to my office at the even side of the 250-300 section Summer st, Boston, MA. For whatever reason, any driver using the waze app tries to drop me off in a back alley on Congress st. This is also true for almost every address in this section of summer street.
The problem is that Summer street is a raised road two stories above the street level of congress street. None of the buildings in this alleyway offer public access to get to Summer st. The only way to get to Summer st on foot is to walk to the far side by the fort point channel or be a local and know about a specific public access stairwell under one of the bridges.
- Being dropped off in this unlit alleyway is sketcy and dangerous at certain times of day
- It adds a huge amount of time for me personally to walk such a huge extra distance just to get into my building.
- Anyone being dropped off here not familiar with the area is basically stranded since they wont know about the stairwell or how to get around.
This is a google street view link of what summer street looks like from congress street:,-71.0472944,3a,54.2y,221.29h,90.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sB-vQGl7q_tQQulH5XlQmwg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656. It is clearly visibly not accessible from congress street.
All I want is for waze to send people to the actual address of the building entered and not a "close enough" point that leaves us stranded having to walk. Summer st is a perfect example of where this feature falls apart.
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