Please add the option to insert a hidden radar police alert along with text message because police hide the radars in normal parked cars
Please add the option to insert a hidden radar police alert along with a short text message (or even a 3 seconds voice message) because police hides the radars in normal parked cars. So you drive normally and suddenly the restriciton is 40km/hrs it is a horrible habbit of police in Romania to hide radars in normal unmarked cars parked between normal cars , then 1 km after, other police will stop you and take your driver license and money. And this happens on wide long bullevards with no problems on it, they just want to take your money. If we will have the option to post a police radar allert along with a short message who will appear also on the map then all wazers can be alerted to reduce speed not only when they see the ploice on map because the danger is before they will stop you
‘Hidden police’ report is available for such purpose.