Add Electric to the Preferred fuel type, which will then display electric charging points on the map.
There is no current option in Preferred fuel type for pure Electric. I would like to have this option, which, when selected, displays electric charging points as POIs for my journeys.
Great news! The EV charging stations are now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Anonymous commented
Yes please! That would be so convenient to be able to map my trips using charge points.
MartinOptLand commented
+1 That would be Great indeed! And it is feasible
MartinOptLand commented
also many EVs in EU
MartinOptLand commented
Still waiting for fuel type - electric!
Anonymous commented
Yes please! Having Waze measure in necessary charge time and range while planning routes would make it the instant killer-app for EV owners.
Peter commented
There is no way of selecting electricity as a fuel type in the app
Anonymous commented
Still waiting for fuel type - electric! This is the 21st century.
Anonymous commented
Com o aumento do número de carros eléctricos a circular e estimando-se que possam ser cada vez mais, poderá ser equacionada a possibilidade de permitir identificação dos pontos de carregamento, não apenas nas bombas como também dos pontos de carregamento públicos. Uma outra valência a integrar poderia passar pela disponibilização de informação sobre se estes pontos de carregamento (em especial os públicos) estão em funcionamento ou não (poderá existir possibilidade de integração com informação disponibilizada pela entidade gestora destes equipamentos. Por fim uma questão de especial relevância, prende-se com a possibilidade de disponibilização através da participação dos utilizadores, de informação se os pontos de carregamento (públicos e/ou privados) estão a ser utilizados ou não. Esta funcionalidade (associada ou não a um sistema de contagem de tempo desde o reporte da informação) em complemento à localização dos pontos de carregamento e à informação sobre o estado de funcionamento dos mesmos, poderá se revelar de alguma utilidade para quem tem de tomar uma decisão quanto ao local de carregamento a utilizar
Anonymous commented
In 2019 year are still missing the electric car recharge points. Are you providing for ? Thanks
Richard Shipman commented
A necessary addition as more of us buy evs.
Anonymous commented
It would be epic to have Waze enabled for EV as well, including charging points.
Anonymous commented
Me too need EV stations added
PILLON commented
C'est une suggestion tout à fait judicieuse. Elle commence à concerner un peu de monde.
hey now #deleteJosh commented
Hypocrisy fuel will clutter the interface and encourage more magical thinking
hey now #deleteJosh commented
Hypocrites adding more "dangerous" co2 at 250% higher rate
Max commented
I love Waze and whenever I talk to anyone about faster routes, best GPS app, etc, Waze would be my one and only recommendation, but just recently I purchased a Tesla and charging station options would be so convenient. Please dont let google outshine you.
Marcus Mangelsdorf commented
Google Maps now offers search for charging stations in most countries. It would be amazing if Waze could get this feature, too.
At least showing them on the map or being able to search them along the route would be great! Even better if we could plan ev-compatible routes with planned charging stops or adapted average speeds (a little slower on the Autobahn than the average gasoline car, for example).The Waze community could be a great help in mapping the available charging stations and being at the forefront of the mobility revolution.
Salvador commented
Parece cada vez mas importante informar (o tenerlo como opcion) de los puntos de recarga en la zona o en la ruta (igual que gasolineras) para coches electricos.
Anonymous commented
+1 because I have to use another gps app for that.
Anonymous commented