alternative routes. display 10 instead only 3
only 3 routes doesnt help. display 10 alternative routes. one of them must be the no traffic route alternative

Robert Dufek commented
In Logic, there is something called the Fallacy of Composition. The Fallacy of Composition involves taking attributes of part of an object or class and applying them to the entire object or class. My best example is: "If I stand on my tiptoes, I will see the parade better." The fallacy is, if everyone stands on their tiptoes, no one sees the parade better.
What does this have to do with Waze? When the primary route is backed up for any reason, Waze suggests an alternate route. While that might be good for me if I am the only one who follows that advice, if everyone does it, no one is better off and, in fact, may be worse off than having stayed on the original route.
My suggestion is that Waze suggest multiple (but not more than one per driver) alternate routes that may be within minutes of each other in terms of time to work around the blockage. Instead of, say, 1,000 drivers all diverting to a single alternate route, by giving each group of 200 drivers an alternate path, moving the "lump in the rug " from A to B is avoided.
What do you think?
Bob Dufek -
Enikelson Ribeiro commented
Antes de iniciar o trajeto, ter como opcionais algumas rotas para que nós motoristas fizéssemos a escolha da melhor ao nosso gosto.
E parar de ter somente uma rota fixa onde joga a gente para as principais avenidas fazendo com que percamos muito tempo em semáforos e trânsito mais intenso. -
AlineGh commented
Dar opciones de ruta para que uno escoja la que convenga, al momento, sin tener que hacerlo desde la configuración.
Anonymous commented
O Waze poderia dar mais opções de escolha de rotas do que apenas 3, pois muitas das vezes o tempo e quilometragem são insignificantes para os usuários quando se trata de segurança.
Por diversas vezes o waze não mostra outras rotas existente e pessoas que não conhece o lugar acaba parando em áreas de risco
Se tivesse todas opções de rotas possiveis a escolha seria do usuários.
Carlos commented
Deberían dar opciones de rutas, la ciudad de México siempre está en obra y hay que tienen opciones
Anonymous commented
The rate of the recalculations are not enough. Sure, it saves battery but if you have your phone charging in your car, one certainly prefers to have more frequent updates. I've gotten better routes numerous times manually searching for better routes. This should be up to the user to decide.
Along with this it would be nice to get more than three alternate routes presented, or again, let the user be able to set this in the options of the app.
Marta Morillas commented
Everybody I ask about waze hates the same thing: you can't decide which route to take. It might sound stupid or obvious because they actually take the fastest or best route for you, but feeling a bit more "freedom" as a user is quite nice. I hope you can make this happen.
Abc commented
Use waze crowd sourcing for foreplay navigation. Many parameters already apply, such as, fastest / shortest routes, avoid tolls, avoid high risk areas, etc. Just need to add people as a destination...
Panos commented
Give us alternative routes on map so we can choose the best for our destination.
Glenn Brazelton commented
Provide WAZE users with alternate routes to choose from.
Henry commented
when the highway route is enabled it didn't show the routes for local at all.... and it seems it only support up to 3 routes
Anonymous commented
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