Saint street OK waze TTS
When I use OK Waze, it always pulls the google result which uses St (no period) which Waze pronounces as STREET and not SAINT. The Waze result is correctly spelled as St. Augustine. Can OK Waze pick the Waze result first before the google result or have an option to which one the user prefers?
Make Waze TTS read context clues so it knows which one is street and which is saint. For example if the Google result has a city field you can tell Waze that Google results don't use periods and that the city field is probably Saint so say it that way. Saint Augustine Street, Clermont, FL is also another challenge here because it could be written St Augustine St, without any periods which would incorrectly pronounce the street as Street Augustine Street, which should be pronounced Saint Augustine Street. I'm sure there are plenty of other examples. Saint isn't always abbreviated with a period after. Waze needs to know how to differentiate between them using context clues. Street comes after the street name. Saint is usually at the beginning of the street name or the city. Please fix this!