license plate reporting / review review system for bad drivers
Currently, there is no system of checks and balances for bad or dangerous drivers. If someone is driving recklessly, or dangerously (slamming on brakes, threatening people, road rage) the only recourse is 911, which doesn't always apply and would increase erroneous / wasteful emeergency calls which should be used for more important emergencies.
If the DMV won't listen, then I hope application developers like Waze, or someone else would implement this feature so that bad drivers can be tracked and reported via license plate in a community fashion.
Then hopefully, the DMV will do something and create a review program where you would have to re-certify for your license.
With so many drivers in CA, it's not fair that the good drivers and bad drivers have the same rights on the road. Lets get the bad drivers off the road, and give people an incentive to drive safely. This will also reduce traffic.

Quintus Francis Cerimon Fitzwalter commented
It will not work this way. You must consider that there are many retired drivers who really are not so good with apps and smarthones. You must establish a solid call center that will help collecting complaints. You can review services like Phonexa that will perform as QA for your call center to ensure it never getys biased.
Danielle Collins commented
I'd like the option to turn on or off in settings to be alerted of a vehicle that is doing something to put others in danger. Like speeding swirling can't stay in there lane possible sleeping or high. Out of control.
With as smart as Waze is if there was 20 ppl using Waze when a car that was crossing the white lines not staying in there lane to the point you feel unsafe and all the people running the Waze app was to moving hazard alert voice command or passenger could alert Waze.
Giving as much detail as possible. Minivan dark license plate number or 4 door white car objects flying off/out of. No head lights dragging chain causing sparks. Whatever the case may be. If that driver is using Waze also. Then they too could know what they was doing or driving was causing others alarm.
Easy button to report to police crime in progress or intoxified driver
Also severe weather alert can't see past my own bumper alert would be nice too.
Not to reroute but to be aware like the police head alert
Erik Abel commented
After watching some crazy driving, distracted driving and otherwise just plain unsafe things on the road, along with being witness to rants on Facebook groups and would seem that there may be a opportunity for a crowdsourced solution to identify errant behaviors and support social norms in notifying the person.
Not a lot in this space other than some proof of concept attempts:
There is a semi-successful crowdsourcing app to help bring first responders to the site of action for emergencies
Jeremy Bechtold commented
I came here to make the same suggestion... I speculated internally quite a bit before doing so as the points fredo-p makes are some of the same that I visualized on my end while debating how to suggest implementation of this type of feature....
my suggestion would be similar to ashley's op suggestion of possibly warning of an aggressive driver, and within reason, some details on the vehicle. I'm not sure "white corolla" would be possible unless voice recognition worked well enough to take the warning and properly assign it, but white sedan should be plenty in most cases especially since tapping details on makes and models would be dangerous if not handled via voice.
to fredo-p's point, it's true that it wouldn't have to be a stationary object, but since waze is smart enough to know how things move within the space around themselves, that shouldn't matter. so for example, if I were to flag an aggressive driver, the alert details could be similar to that of marking police in a sequence (which side, hidden, etc)... first screen simple colors (primaries and secondaries), then size/type of vehicle, then offenses (multiples being allowed) such as (we'll assume all are "dangerous" or non-signaled actions) lane changes, tailgating, brake-checking, speed +5, +10, +20, +30 (m or km per hour estimates).
my suggestion on the implementation would be to assume that, like a pothole, you'd get a warning when you got near that area. waze would/could be "smart" enough to know that the warning should be presented to all drivers ahead of the reporter (+N mph) so that the window of warning advances down the road. I would also suggest that they "expire" automatically after 15min or so, assuming that the person has exited or otherwise left the area. granted, it wouldn't work well in urban areas or grid-like towns as you'd never be able to track the person, nor would you want to. perhaps it would be limited to a highway feature?
also like a pothole, you wouldn't expect yourself or waze to want to reroute you simply because of this alert, but rather just to be informed and aware. if I'm a waze user just a mile ahead of the person reporting it, then I'd expect to get a notification within a couple minutes of an aggressive driver approaching from behind me, with a mention of what car to watch for. I'm not going to change where I go because of them, I'll just be vigilant in my rearview mirror and aware that someone may be coming to cut me off.
Anonymous commented
Love it!!!!
Anonymous commented
I would like to report a recklass driver License plate AEN 7298 VA plate blue SUV
Anton Chipev commented
Display on maps bad drivers who drive at a speed exceeding the limit.
Тheir icons change in diferent color when user is driving very fast on town road and when so dangerous for other road users.
It's nice to be able to see dangerous drivers. -
Fredo-p commented
That really wouldn't work. The alerts you see in the app are stationary. The alert you are asking for is on a moving object. Besides, how will a dangerous driver alert help with routing to a location? I'd rather take my chances than have to be rerouted on the suspicion that someone may or may not be driving crazy.
Ashley Mae commented
Can we get an option to add an alert for aggressive drivers, swerving drivers, bad drivers, a general BOLO "caution- dangerous driver spotted in area- white Corolla"??? Because that'd be the best warning - knowing what cars to avoid
Anonymous commented
Need to be able to report a reckless driver and capture their plate or some description about the car or what they were doing.
Anonymous commented
Maybe if a bad driver got reported enough times by different Wazers, the police could keep an eye out for that driver's behavior.
-------------------------Waze is not connected to police. If you want to punish reckless drivers then record any incidents and then report it to police. Reckless driving is anti-social and it is not probable that such driver would use social app like waze at all.
Rachel Stout commented
You don't have to always dial 911 if you're worried about erroneous/wasteful emergency calls. You can call the local police nonemergency hotline and report them. That's what I do if I see a reckless driver or a major object in the road (fallen tree, or other giant obstacle blocking a lane). That way the police still know, but I'm not wasting emergency resources and they can decide how to respond.
Orchidlady commented
There would need to be a verbal interface -- vehicle type, color, make -- or verbal recording of the license plate. Perhaps choices like: excessive speed; agressive driving; tailgating; texting while driving, talking without hands-free. Maybe if a bad driver got reported enough times by different Wazers, the police could keep an eye out for that driver's behavior.
Chelse commented
Please add a button so we can report asshole drivers around us. So we can tell people that there is someone in the general vicinity that is not driving very nice.