Shortcut to share ETA with same WhatsApp contact
I am using the option to send the ETA to the same WhatsApp contact 4-5 times a week and would like to have a shortcut to send the ETA to that WhatsApp contact directly.
Prevents to click share ETA > Other > WhatsApp > Select Contact > Send message.

Anonymous commented
Hi, I want to ask, if I send someone, my adress and he uses ways and find me(it apears the arrivle time
Is it posible that by the time he uses the ways I myself can see wherer is he, and when will, he arrive to me?
To my opinion, there is no ligle problem, because, I reavile my place, and let him to arrive to me.
I will be happy to get your answer. -
Anonymous commented
I wann to Share my founded Trip via WhatsApp/Messenger/copy/Mail to selected contacts per Other persons
Roy B commented
It would be very helpfull to me, if it was possible to send the ETA to WhatsApp contacts as a WhatsApp message. I'm using the Waze app as a kind of a taxi driver and people like to know what time they can expect me to arrive.
TrueTenacity commented
Would it be possible to have Waze use WhatsApp or whichever your favourite I.M. client is instead of using sms.