Add favourite song button on players (spotify/tidal/youtube ect.)
In music apps we have got 3 buttons (left play/pause and right). I propose to add button "add to favourite (heart)" There are a lot of situations when you are driving, some random playlist is playing and one of the songs is so good you wanna add it to your favs - now you need to stop, switch to music app, add to fav and go back on road.

Great news! The option to mark the song as favorite is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Kenny G commented
Not interested. Working on fixing the base app/driving direction features. Becoming too bloated as is now...
Subs5 commented
In Pandora app being used in Waze you have five options:
Music 1) Play/Pause, 2) skip, 3) replay, 4) thumbs down, and 5) thumbs up. replay is only if not the free Pandora
Podcasts 1) Play/Pause, 2) 15 sec fast forward, 3) 15 sec replay, 4) thumbs down, and 5) thumbs up.So it appears that it might depend on which app you are using.