Slow down & move over warning for Emergeny Responders
Warn motorists of Emergency Responders (police cars, tow trucks, ambulances) with a Slow Down Move Over warning. Lives are being lost at alarming rates and any support of the move over laws are greatly appreciated.
Eddie Willing commented
Anonymous commented
YES!!!!! Get out of the Way!!!
Wes commented
Very Much YES!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Slow down and move over!!!
Jason commented
Save a life we want to go home too. SLOW DOWN MOVE OVER ITS THE LAW
M commented
Please help save lives! Slow down and move over for emergency responders!
Anonymous commented
A must
Steven commented
More enforcement
Curtis commented
Hopefully it can make my job a little safer
Dave Wescott commented
I thank that towing opps should be considered first responders! SLOW Down and MOVE OVER
Anonymous commented
Slow down and move over warning please, 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Anonymous commented
It is important to move over when there are obstacles on the side of the road for everyone's safety. As a tow company owner, I never want to put my people in arms way. Help us save lives by moving over and letting people know emergency equipment is on the shoulder.
Anonymous commented
This will save many lives@
Richard H Fehrenback II commented
This should be for all apps that have traffic on them Period.
Rick Smith commented
This is a great idea!
Anonymous commented
Many states have laws that require cars to change lanes when they see a breakdown or emergency responders. Please ask your state to pass this law. In the meantime Waze can be the hero and do it anyway.
Protect Emergency Responders, Tow truck drivers, Highway Maintenace crews and more.
They all deserve to get home safe after work.
Waze, please add this info to all of your clients riding down the highway. It protects everyone. -
Jim Beatty commented
I wan't everyone to go home to there families. I also wish the car manufactures would have wave instead of what they using
Kim commented
Please vote it could be you needing the help and how would you feel someone getting hit while assisting you?
Anonymous commented
Please vote to save the lives of our family members working out on our roads, highways, and interstates.