First you piece of chit app (apparently you don't know what a program or software is) can't send in a complain form the phone after taking
Try making a PROGRAm that works. Most of the time it won't even let me enter new obstructions or alerts for the folks. and like this morning when I entered a blocked road that was blocked for miles it only showed 1/2 block long and tried to rout me around it. It can't even take instruction much less think for itself for more than 1 block. I waste a half an hour wandering the back streets of Denver, finally having to give up and go somewhere else that I knew was open. I'll be looking for a professionally designed PROGRAM now. this has been a 2-year cluster-phuk of a trial and won['t be tolerating this half baked piece O chit much longer. You are not any kind of help to the folks you are a hindrance. Your AOPP has sent me sad much as 15 miles out of my way in the past for traffic only to end up in a different blockage. I NEVER trust it when it routes me a different way than I want to go and it normally tries to send me through well known high traffic/slow interstate traffic and can't take N O for an answer when I go my own way.
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