Add to road hazard list: 1) flooding, and 2) ice
Add to road hazard list: 1) flooding, and 2) ice

Great news! option to report flooded road is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
You can also check this link to learn more about reporting bad weather.
Nathan commented
If the water is sufficient to cause vehicle to loose control its probably enough to call it a flood. Agree i could be as simple as calling it water on surface, which in winter would be considered ice.
Happy wazzing
Callum P commented
It does not technically count as flood water/a ford, but surface water is just as much of a hazard maybe even more so as it can be hard to see until too late. I am suggesting this as I hit surface water and nearly lost control (but my driving skills are top notch 😂) but as I said flood does not encapsulate this hazard accurately
Shawn commented
Waze continues to suggest routes subject to flooding. Needs to maintain live links to latest information
Shawn commented
Need to include live updates on flooded roads. Currently plans routes under water.
Muqbool Khan commented
Can I report a flood after I've safely driven through the area. I can't take a hand of the steering wheel. I might not even have had Waze on at the time. Thanks
CaTxChick commented
Including “road closures” as a Hazard is as important to drivers as an object on the road. When confronted with a road closure caused by flooding too many people risk their lives and proceed across the flooded road. Others often become frustrated and turn around but drive fast/recklessly because they’ve been delayed. Receiving an alert like Construction or Police on a desired route would be extremely helpful. Thank you.
Juliana commented
Recently hit a flooded road which wasn’t marked in any way in Waze, UK government issues local flooding alerts with affected areas clearly marked & these areas should be reflected accordingly in Waze App
Anonymous commented
I hope someone can look into a remedy 🙏.
Anonymous commented
adding a way to detect if a road in or on your route would certainly help a lot of people since most of them don't understand [turn around don't drown]. You might be surprised but it might save a few lives!
Anonymous commented
Flood Warning
Lucas Oliveira commented
Já existe
Cheska Cruz commented
Waze to have FLOOD reporting feature to help us report and avoid any flooded areas and help prepare everyone such as parents coming home from work, parents fetching their children when classes have been suspended, rescuers who need to go to certain flooded areas, drivers to help report flooded areas for fellow drivers to be kept aware and for safety purposes. I hope this feature can be added. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
I live in Florida close to the water. When it rains heavily and we haven’t had rain in awhile it sits in the road causing flooding very quickly. When it rains for many days water sits in areas uneven on the road if there is poor draining. Please add “ Flooding’
ali commented
בשיתוף עם השירות המטארולוגי להוסיף לתוכנה מפת השטפונות בנחלים המסוכנים לשטפונות במיוחד למטילים במיוחד בנגב אך לא רק אלא בכל ישראל ולציין בזמן אמת את השטפונות וכל מדריך חייב בסילולר שלו התוכנה הזאת והיא מציינת לו בזמן אמת על מצב השיטפונות מיקום ומרחק ממנו ומקבוצתו כדי שיקח בחשבון וטיפ נוסף צריך להיות סילולר נטען על קרני השמש שלא ייתקע ללא חשמל ועדיף גם WIRELESS
לתקשר עם חבריו במקרה שאין קליטה סילולרית -
Silvana commented
Sugiro colocar um botão específico de alagamento para evitar que carros entrem em ruas alagadas ou com perigo de alagamento. O btoão perigo é muito genérico. Em época de chuvas ajudaria muito.
Anonymous commented
On 4rh November 2017 at about 8pm waze has led me to a flooded area at chai leng park , Otai, Pulau Pinang
Anonymous commented
I read another input with puddle being categorized. While we have the flood button, it doesn't let you specify which side of the road or travel lane. We recently had a storm where it varied on different sides of the road. Higher vehicles would have no problems with puddles, but lower vehicles would have difficulty. If we had a warning system for this I believe we could reduce any problems during individual's commutes. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and my thoughts and concerns for making better use at reporting puddles small or deep and which side of the road they are located.
Anonymous commented
When it is raining hard there is no icon, other than flooding, that denotes downpours of the frog strangling/raining cats and dogs type of rain....
Aaron Potier commented
I am in Houston. We are experiencing the floods currently. Can you add option to the app where people in flooded areas can alert to flooded streets? This can help in our commute. People are on Facebook asking for help from others to try and plan drives to other parts of town but we have no way of knowing what is blocked due to water
Hank Tate commented
Houston, Texas is in the middle of one of the worst natural disasters in the United States. There are MANY MANY flooded and closed roads. With no ability to mark the roads flooded or closed - because you can't be on that part of the road to mark it - Waze totally breaks down!! It is sending people through dangerous flooded or destroyed streets because no one can mark that they are closed. CRITICAL!! People may get killed because we can't help Waze protect others. Right now it seems that Waze could have liability by sending someone through a flood. I saw Waze do that today - try to send someone through a huge flooded area. Please make this a priority