ask to verify police traps from both sides of the highways.
ask to verify the police traps on both sides of the highways cause here in NY most cops set them self up to catch both sides at once. (Middle of the highways) so while I report a cop on my side. He looks the other side as well.

Reporting police at the other side of the road is available.
Mark Ferry commented
Response to waze team. Sure it does but there's a big delay as to when you can report the other side if you just reported one side...
paul connell commented
Please please please add a button to tag police, hazards etc for BOTH SIDES. Right now if you only tag for your side or other side the other remains unflagged. This means having to report twice which is not only a nuisance but dangerous as it requires further attention/interaction on the screen than on the road
paul connell commented
That's not what is being asked. Can there be an option to mark as both sides of the road. Right now you can only specify one side of the road or you have to report twice.
Scott commented
Not in CarPlay it's not. And besides that's not what the OP is asking for. So if the cop is in the middle you're saying the driver is supposed to mark them twice?
They're asking for the ability to report a cop that's monitoring both sides at once (such as a freeway median). Currently if a driver reports the cop, it only alerts people driving on that same side of the road the report was made, even though he's monitoring both sides. The people on the other side of the freeway won't be alerted at all.
Seems like a simple thing to add this.
marlene roveto commented
Please put in an option for both sides of the street for police traffic hazards etc. Often police position themselves so that they are watching both sizes of the street a tree may fall across both lanes etc
DonRay Alario commented
To be able to mark sitings such as police, emergency vehicles, etc on both sides of a 4 lane
mtspaces/Scott commented
I agree or even on back roads police face so they can catch from either direction. Please add to mark on both sides of the road.