The new “road shield” symbol reduces text legibility
New “road shield” symbol means the font size is reduced making it harder to read whilst driving. I’m a UK user. The road number is now shown in a box with a smaller font than it was previously. Please revert back to the previous, larger font size

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Helen Bright commented
Ben, this is a really important topic. Readability of the text is really important. And if it also concerns the road situation, then even more so. I decided to join the discussion because I have a lot of writing assignments and readability is a priority here. So, I have been visiting this source for a long time Here I find free nursing essay examples absolutely on any topic. This helps me a lot in my studies. And these authors also offered me professional nursing help. So, in the end I got an article written from scratch according to my instructions. My trust in them only increases.
Maxim Davidov commented
Hello. This is a really important topic.
Ben Fitzpatrick commented
Seconded. It’s very hard to read the next road you’re going to.
Linda Janowicz commented
It’s dangerous how many times I have to stare at the screen trying to figure out what the road number is… instead of looking on the road… please change this back asap
Michael Seidman commented
Agreed. PLEASE go back to the old Design that presents Exit Number and Rte number in TEXT ONLY. The graphic is hard to see the small route number at a glance. Also, the information should be in a single statement positioned together on the screen.
Min Green commented
Before the update the hwy number was much larger than current hwy logo.
axiomatic22 commented
I use Waze in the UK. Prior to the new updates, the directions of the next turn that used to appear at the top of the map used to be in big white text. Now, after the updates, they appear inside a coloured box where the colour represents the type of road (i.e. blue if it's a motorway, or green if it's an A road). For e.g., if the next turn is taking the A316 exit, before it used to just say A316 in big white writing, now it says A316 inside a small green box.
The problem is that it's now too hard to read. When driving, I have to really move my head forward and look closely to be able to read what it says inside the box. Could you please go back to the big white writing? It's more readable. Thank you.
Alan Gee commented
I totally agree. Icons of highway signs of a specific highway are a lot more difficult to read than the actual name of the highway. Definitely a safety hazard. I don't want to have to figure out an icon of a sign with a tiny 427 written on it instead of reading in decent sized print "Hwy 427". Please go back to the old standard of written names.
James C commented
Please add a setting to disable these new graphics and return to the old text only. In the UK the motorways "shield" of white text on blue background and A road yellow text on green background are both unreadable compared to the much larger green text on black background they are next to.
August P commented
To add: if you are at a point on a highway with multiple feeders off of your current route, having multiple tiny graphics where you need to squint to read makes it even harder to drive.
Peter Beddow commented
Much less legible with road shields. It’s a solution in search of a problem. Change it back!
Anonymous commented
The road signs such as for Interstate, etc. now contain the Route number inside the symbol. ie. 95 is inside the Interstate highway symbol. The 95 is very, very small. Provide a setting option to increase the font size, or move the 95 to the right of the road symbol. I used to really like Waze, but I have to use Google Maps now because of this.
Anonymous commented
Many times when I turn on Waze, the UPCOMING TURN is printed so tiny that it it difficult to read while driving. When this happens, the Arrival Time is showing as 4 or 5 times larger. The Upcoming Turn is more important yet harder to read than the Arrival Time.
Please enlarge (and lock) the size of the of the Upcoming Turn. This is a Driving Safety issue as well as a ease of reading issue.
Anonymous commented
Allow the user to set size of the print for Upcoming Turn. Many times it is difficult to read. The print for the Arrival Time is 3 or 4 times larger. Knowing the name of the street one is to Turn on is Much More Important than constantly seeing the large print of Arrival Time. ALLOW USER TO SET THE PRINT SIZE OF THE UPCOMING TURN.
Anonymous commented
I must agree with this comment as I believe that attempting to read a message on my Ipad 4 screen mounted on the dash could lead to serious distraction resulting in a potential accident. Text should be legible clearly from a distance of 1 meter or so. Either have a zoom feature when tapping with finger on the text or offer various text sizes as an option. This is such a great app pity to spoil it by the text being to small to be useful.
Anonymous commented
The blue is hard to read on black background. Can we choose color or white instead
Jurvillier commented
Display distance to next turn (too small for me) with as big characters as arrival time
GL commented
Your upgrade to the 4.0 has created a safety concern. The icons or symbols use to pinpoint road activate are two small. Instead of taking a quick look at the map to view events in front of you, you must now concentrate which takes your eyes and attention off the road. This was not the case with the older version. Please bring back the size of the icons/symbols from the old version. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
/I am fearful of counting on it right now, as font and color has changed. I use it mostly in LA where driving is pretty intense. As a passenger helping Saturday., I kept pulling on my glasses and trying to stare at it long enough to figure out what it was!! Can't do that without missing things! Many of us are in our 50's and eyesight doesn't do as well as it used to. HELP US OUT! We love and use waze too