Have a policy against hate-speech on editor community discord
A number of Northeast Editors including leadership have the caption "Let's Go Brandon" as their Discord status. The Waze community is not the place for these extremists who would use the platform to spew vile comments about the President of the United States. It should be a place where all are made to feel welcome. These individuals should certainly not have community leadership roles.

Leonardo Murrillo Jr commented
You cannot take away people's right to free expression, regardless of the content. Simply because someone's feelings were wounded doesn't justify silencing the rest of us. You are also spreading inaccurate and malicious information, referring to them as radicals. seriously!? Stay in your lane!
Bruno D. Rodrigues commented
Just got reminded that the forum account is automatically created, so it is possible to DM the user in question. Only if he/she then doesn't answer it, then support should be contacted. Please unvote and someone delete this item.
Bruno D. Rodrigues commented
In my opinion new users should not be allowed to edit anything until he/she creates an account on the forum, as a mean for other editors/AM/CM's to contact back the user in case the editing is being done improperly and/or is destroying previous work.
As it is today there is no way to reach those users, unless one is lucky and find it out on the client (and he's not private), and would turn AM's into "lock everything" mode with the frustration of having the work destroyed by a newby.
Daniel Quick commented
A version of Waze phone client specifically designed for the area manager. Specification of One/two-way, speed limit ;), street name, turn restrictions (if that's possible), entering house numbers without prompts, etc...