Bring back PickUp requests
Bring back the option to send an SMS with a link to share the recivers location and make the Waze client navigate there..
This was a very cool feature and it's missed. It could be done Uper style where the receiver can edit their preferred pick up location
It should also auto share the drive with the receiver.
Erik commented
Please bring back the feature that allows you to send a link to a phone number and when they click on the link you get their location so you can drive right to them !
Anonymous commented
Before you had the option ascending your location so your friends could pick you up, bring it back
Patrick commented
For instance, your child is at a sleepover and you have to pick them up in the morning. Have them open their waze app and send you their location so you can use waze to navigate to their location.
Anonymous commented
When I have friends who are using Waze, it would be nice to not need to send my route to them via text or request a pick up in a similar fashion. I would love for etas and pick up requests to show up in my waze inbox as well as send push notifications for any such requests. It just feels a bit disjointed to be looking at this information online when the app is open.
ahmed abdulrazek commented
I want to find my friends on map and make route to them
Michael commented
I texted Someone a pickup request she hit the link and it would try opening a safari browser and the whole time just said loading. Perhaps it should open the app if its on the phone or suggest to download the app if not.