WAZE as my vehicle advisor
I would like a feature to upload my car (type, make, year, model, etc.) and so could collect my daily mileage. Then WAZE (after xx miles) could alert me about changing my brakes, renew tires, oil, etc. as well presenting me promotions from near/path services that we all forget at the right time.
As well recommending new cars offers (same or alternative make) or insurances, accesories, detailing, etc.
A whole automotive world is there, and WAZE can be the best interface to interact with it.
You know my displacement, now you must know my car.

Rafael Mota commented
Is a good idea but if you have gave two cars how they will be able to track you mile of each vehicle.
Ricardo Felix commented
Já existe um aplicativo que alerta a necessidade de trocar o óleo. Poderia existir essa opção no waze. Poderia haver uma opção onde se colocaria a km do seu veículo e, baseado nos deslocamentos realizados com waze ativado, somaria a km ao valor pré cadastrado (talvez para que dê certo, seja necessário uma confirmação da km todas as vezes que se iniciar o waze). Ao se colocar a data e km da troca do óleo, o waze alertará quando será a próxima troca.