Hi, I've recently installed in my car a new console running Android and started using waze instead of via my Samsung note9 phone, I think t
I've recently installed in my car a new console running Android and started using waze instead of via my Samsung note9 phone, I think this feedback should sum up a few points since the experience is VERY bad compared to simply using it via the phone:
When using waze via the console and not via Android auto:
- The map is going WAY to the right on the car positioning, it's zoomed out like crazy. It's very hard to drive and navigate like this.
It's showing a huge chunk of the map on the left and I can barely see the road I'm driving on and it's especially difficult if you drive inside the city. I don't understand why it's not putting the car on the map on the main part the X axle.
- I don't understand why if I'm logging in the car console to Waze to my google account and it's pulling my saved places from my account, it's not also pulling my drive history as well.
When using waze via the console and via Android auto:
This for some reason was even worse and harder to use than just via the console, it's lacking basic functions / they are very hard to find and I feel like I'm playing a mini game trying to use it:
Basic options like searching for a destination to drive are very hard to find, it's much easier and friendlier on the phone.
If I remember correctly, you have to end each drive first before searching for a new destination.
The map isn't going to dark mode at night time, I was driving I think around 20:00 - 20:30 and it was getting dark already but it kept the day color scheme on and was way too bright for a night drive.