דיווח שריפות
הוספת פיצ'ר לדיווח על שריפות (בשמורות טבע למשל, עבור מטיילים) . הפיצ' ר יעביר את הדיווח למכבי האש. רלוונטי לדיווח מהיר על מקרי הצתה, בלוני תבערה וכדומה. צמצום זמן התגובה של מכבי האש הוא בעל ערך עצום לצמצום נזקי השריפה.
Adding a feature for reporting incidents of arson in nature reserves. The feature will notify the firefighters and share the direct location.

Victor Jr Terzea commented
We want fire report in app to avoid that area and garbage trucks.
celso costa commented
Richard Azia commented
Yesterday I spotted a fire by the side driving at 120km/h on a motorway but I couldn't report it. We need the option to report roadside fires with ease. We need emergency services to be notified as quickly as possible. It would take seconds, and it could save forests, fields and more. This is critically important, with the increasing risk of droughts, across Europe.
Louanne commented
Being a driver in California, we see a lot of road side fires. It would be so helpful to be able to post when there is a fire on a major highway so others can choose other options to get to their destination. Especially since they usually shut down several lanes. Thanks.
Naman Rawal commented
I agree this is important, and Waze devs will have to tap into the satellite weather data sets (public and private) to account for weather impacting drivers in real time. However, I know this is a challenge in terms of accuracy and reliability because I work with climate data myself. Waze could quite simply integrate with a brush fire monitoring app, or you can have another app send alerts.
Bart commented
I feel like our fires would be an extremely important addition to the alerts. When a vehicle is on fire on the highway visibility can be hindered extremely. Also the potential for some type of explosion that could injure other drivers is extremely important. Woods / forest fires would be a great addition to the alerts. Visibility on the highway and be greatly reduced and an emergency vehicles could be hidden by the smoke. Worst case scenario is the fire could overtake the highway an injur if not killed drivers. Please take this into consideration for additional alerts.
David Westcott commented
I recently drove from Melbourne Victoria to Sydney and on our journey their was a fire which was nearly affecting the highway.
i wanted to inform other drivers but their was nothing in the app that could help and warn them,could it be possible to include this in your next update as i feel its pretty important for the safety of others on route to report this type of incident. -
Kimberly Alexander commented
With many states being a fire state, and it being fire season, there should be an option to report a fire. I was driving through Fresno and a brush fire appeared on the freeway, and since there was no fire department or police on scene yet, I think having a fire option would help people know that the area is going to be congested, and to watch out for safety reasons. Fires can obviously happen at any moment, and I think it would be great to give people a heads up to be extra cautious and safe.
Bart commented
Add grass and/or woods fire to the alerts. So people will no to slow down due to the smoke and emergency vehicles. And or that the road is closed.
Marty commented
Please enable Waze for Emergency Responders. I am a Firefighter for the US Forest and use Waze for navigation I am currently working around the Caldor Fire at Lake Tahoe along with 4000 other Firefighters from across the country With closed roads blocking us from using Waze we are forced to use paper maps to get around I find this on every wildfire that I work on in unfamiliar areas. Please make a toggle for us to find our way around. I’m required to drive nationwide in areas that might be closed to public during emergencies.
André commented
I would like to suggest the inclusion of a 'fire on the road' notification in the wheather alert.
In this time of the year is a very comon event in Brazil, and will help the user to be more careful during trip and aviod some accidents. Thanks! -
Annie commented
Add new category of danger on road - fire
Louanne commented
Please add Fire as a road hazard. This is not only a traffic hazard but a safety hazard. Letting drivers know that there is a roadside fire will allow them to seek an alternate route before they are stuck in a traffic jam or worse, getting in first responders way.
Anonymous commented
I think there should be, in the danger signs, the possibility of saying or informing that there is a fire along the road. Yesterday this happened to me, and I tried to signal that the danger was fire, but I had to say it was an accident because I didn't have a more viable option.
Felipe Quintana commented
hello, with great urgency the waze application, you must place units of the fire department and fire situation that prevents the free transit of vehicles, hopefully they can soon place those notices. Thank you
Casey Wimsatt commented
Great idea. purpleAir has real-time AQI sensor data that can be used in urban areas, at least (e.g. Bay Area) to re-route traffic away from high smoke areas. I hope Waze would be willing to partner with purpleAir (no affiliation)
Eustace commented
During the summer months caravaners and camper vans take to the road causing accident after accident and usually ending up alight or in pieces across six lanes of a motorway. It would be great to warn others of the 6 hour delays while the road is cleared
Anonymous commented
In CA we passed an active brush fire last week but no way to warn other drivers.
A commented
100% - needs to happen soon. Drove through many hazard reduction burns today, would have been great to be able to help. Needs to have a wide alert radius if possible.
Anonymous commented
Please Add “Heavy Rain” and “Wildfires”. We are having very frequently these issues in Puerto Rico.