Radar audio warning trigger model
I don't know if this is a new topic or not, but this is a problem that I've encountered wherein the normal Waze behavior is almost like a bug.
How it works today
The visual on screen warning for a Speed camera is based on distance only. I.e it will always show on-screen when the driver is X meters from the camera.
However, the audio warning for a speed camera only activates if you pass the "detection distance" and are "over speed"
In this specific case, the radar is a 70 km/h radar. The detection distance however is when the driver is still in a 30 zone. Very few drivers will drive above 70 km/h there.
Also, the Audio warning only triggers once. What I mean by this is that Waze will only trigger the audio warning when both of the following conditions are met simultaneously:
if the driver enters the detection distance
and is at over speed.
This means that if the driver after passing the detection distance speeds up to a speed greater than the radar, he will still not receive an audio warning.
How it should work
The audio warning should trigger anytime:
the driver is inside the detection zone
and is over speed.
The difference here is zone vs distance. The app should play an audio warning as soon as the driver's speed increases past the radar speed and is within the zone preceding the radar. It should also trigger again if the drivers slows down to a speed below the Radar and then back up again while in the zone.