Witam. Uzywam waze od dawna, stracilem jedno konto, codziennie pokonuje min 200mil a zdaza się wiecej, raportuje duzo różnych przyczyn i wypadków, czasem zdaz sie pare roznych w ciagu pare minut a system odraz mnie ostrzega ze za duzo zgłoszeń. Śmieszne. Jak mam byc dobrym wazerwm i raportowac kiedy sa restrykcje. Zrobić cos z tym.
Janusz Piatkiewicz commented
Hello. I have been using it for a long time, I lost one account, every day it covers at least 200 miles daily and it happens more, reports many different causes and accidents, sometimes it happens a few different ones within a few minutes and the system immediately warns me that there are too many reports. Funny. How am I supposed to be a good vase and report when there are restrictions. Do something about it.