Contextual road navigation elements
Waze (so far) does not fully account for overall road context in navigation. We've (ie. my partner and I) have found it treating all roads equally when picking a route, whether urban, rural, wide, narrow, usually parrtially blocked by parked cars, etc. So, I suggest adding a set of options to the system and the navigation algorithm which allows weighting by road type. This could be selected or deselected manually by the user, with some default setting sets (ie. "Prefer Highways", "The Scenic Route", etc).
Based on roads we've used, we suggest the following classifications:
Fast-moving multi-lane road with significant limitations on stopping and parking, subject to national and regional restrictions.
Primary Thoroughfare
Open and readily navigable, with fast-moving traffic depending on conditions. Parking may be significantly restricted.
Secondary Thoroughfare
Open and readily navigable, with some parked vehicles or other roadside obstructions not significantly limiting passage. Urban traffic flow may cause traffic jams or be subject to bottlenecks in places. Rural roads of this kind may lack street lighting. Roadside parking may be available based on national and regional restrictions.
Side Road, Urban Residential
May be narrow and/or difficult to navigate due to residential parked cars or other obstructions. Parking may be limited and subject to permit. Consider whether parking obstructs residential property access.
Side Road, Urban Industrial
Mostly open and navigable, with a high prevalence of industrial vehicles. There may be roadside hazards associated with industry. Consider whether roadside parking may be safe and appropriate if space seems to be available.
Side Road, Rural Narrow
May be insufficient for two vehicles to easily traverse side by side and may be a single-vehicle width. There may be very limited passing places. Visibility ahead may be limited due to high foliage or other peripheral vision obstructions. Passage may sometimes be obstructed by agricultural vehicles or livestock. There will be no street lights and parking is likely to be hazardous. May be particularly hazardous to navigate at night or in severely adverse weather.
Side Road, Dirt Track
May be hazardous to navigate without use of a 4-wheel-drive vehicle. Conditions may otherwise be similar to "Side Road, Rural Narrow".