continuous speed limit alerts
Waze currently only alerts you once if you are speeding. Suggesting an option to allow to keep alerting every X number of min or seconds.

Richard Hartley commented
To have continuous beeps when driving above the speed limit threshold set. A one off beep can sometimes be missed. This feature can also have a user parameter to either have it turned on or off.
Ricardo commented
Dear Waze Team,
I have a suggestion that could improve the safety and effectiveness of speed camera alerts on your platform. Currently, Waze notifies drivers about upcoming speed cameras, but the alert is a one-time notification. I believe it would be helpful if the app could provide persistent reminders (both visual and auditory) until the driver reduces their speed to comply with the limit.
This feature would ensure drivers are consistently aware of their speed in relation to the radar and have enough time to adjust safely.
Thank you for considering this suggestion! Waze is already an incredible tool, and this small addition could enhance it even further.
Best regards,
Toto Cotugan commented
indiquez directement la vitesse maximale autorisée et un signal sonore dés qu'on dépasse serait bien
Car là, on sait qu'on a dépassé la vitesse quand la vitesse est entourée de rouge mais on ne passe pas notre temps les yeux sur l'écran mais sur la route -
Anderson commented
Olá, gostaria de sugerir um alerta sonoro intermitente ao aproximar de um radar com velocidade acima da permitida.
Isto evita q distrações causem multas pois, entre o aviso já existente e a localidade do radar, podemos ultrapassar a velocidade limite.
No app Radardroid tem uma facilidade destas e creio ser imensamente útil.
Obrigado -
Antonis Papadakis commented
This should also work in the background
Also when not navigating and just running the app -
Miguel Reis commented
When a radar appears, as well as alert that one is approaching one, saying aloud at limiting speed, as a way for driving help.
Vishnu s commented
If speed limit of road changes, a voice alert of the new speed limit will be helpfull
Luke Oconnor commented
Super important
S R commented
Sounds needs to be better than what it currently is (tiny blip)
S R commented
This!! I would like the ability to select a “police” siren sound instead of a tiny blip. Or let me choose an mp3 or iPhone alert sound. Plus, I’d like an option where the size of the speed limit in the display takes over the majority of the screen when not using directions as I’m using it mostly for speed limit reminder saving me a ton of money each year — adhd
Gurpreet singh sandhu commented
Add Speeding threshold alert below speed limit when we are reaching near the speed limit. So that we can aware and control the speed. For example if the speed limit is 70 mph on highway, and i am on my speed and if i crossed 70 mph and then waze alert me. But then there is no benefits of alerting. Because if there is any camera then definitely i will get ticket. So best is you add the option that when we want to be alert before reaching maximum speed limit. For example if speed limit is 30, then i want speeding threshold at 28 or 29mph. If speed limit is 70 then i want speeding threshold alert at 68 or 69mph. So that we don’t get ticket. It will be very helpful for everyone. You developed best map application in the world. Thank you for that.
Graham Wiffen commented
Waze should ALWAYS provide an audible/sound alert when you are approaching a speed camera, of any kind, when you are driving above the speed limit.
Matt Jones commented
New to Waze. It’s brilliant but needs this addition..
Shivananda D commented
Please enable to choose between beep sound, and a voice alerting the wazer that they are nearing speed limit and a voice saying: " Check your speed limit" will help wazers to keep their speed limit in check and drive better.
Neal D'Alessio commented
BeN Rom commented
We need this, I got a ticket because the alert wasnt lound enough. I would add a constant sound alert while in overspeed and inside a control area. Plz this would be a huge improvement !
Kushal Awatarsing commented
Please enable to choose between beep sound, and a voice alerting the wazer that they are nearing speed limit and a voice saying: " Check your speed limit" will help wazers to keep their speed limit in check and drive better.
Thank you to the whole team, for all the improvements made to the app
Kushal Awatarsing commented
Please enable voice to alert wazers to check their speed limit either when they are nearing 5km or the wazer can choose amongst various speed limits when exceeding the required speed limit or at speed limit instead of a beep sound, which will catch the attention of the driver more easily, for example: "Check your speed limit"
For example as it's already the case at the moment, a voice speaks saying " Police reported ahead" is a very nice way of alerting the driver and it works great, i personally love it.
Thank you for all the amazing improvements brought to the app, it's really helping us a lot, big up to the whole team, hopefully we get to use this update as soon as possible.
Mahindra XUV300 commented
I agree, what use is a speed limit alert if you dont notice it?
Varaloba One commented
Would it be possible to have a repeat speed warning sound in the app, which gives a selected sound warning when going over the speed limit by a selected amount, and then repeats at a selected interval.
Currently the speed warning sound is so quiet, it can hardly be heard, it cannot be changed, and does not repeat.
There is only one app I have found that does the job, Maps Speed Limit, but it only works with OpenStreetMaps, which are not necessarily accurate