Fix the UI
Release 4.96. UI is terrible. (1) If you have BLUE buttons do NOT MAKE THE HIGHLIGHT RING AROUND THEM BLUE! Use a high contrast color like YELLOW so it can be seen easily. (2) Fix the LAG when submitting an issue. After hitting HAZARD, I am unable to pick on-road/on shoulder, or back , or close that screen for 5 seconds. If I pick ON-ROAD, I can not pick the next set of choices for 5 seconds. UI recognizes clicks, but nothing happens. (3) Fix the TAB ORDER on the main screen, especially when a warnign comes up. I have an 2017 Audi that forces me to use a JOG DIAL to select an option, so it is painfully obvious when UI buttons are not ordered in code based on the "clock wise"/"counter clockwise" orientation on screen. (4) Also, when a hazard warning pops up, the "STILL THERE" button is HIGHGLIGHTED, but it is NOT the current default botton - and hitting (enter) does not file the Still There report. This UI is by far the worst it has gotten. Can you PLEASE go back to the one that worked! Been a waze user for over 10 years and the app is no where near how nice it was back then.