Programable Main page Icon most used by each user.
I was wondering how hard it would be for Wazer to allow users to have one icon they use a lot to be available on the main page. I use the stopped car post a lot and it is sometimes difficult to report it while driving in traffic since I have to click on 3 difficult screens. If I could have an option to have that icon displayed on the main page then all Anyone would need to do is press the one icon and it would send in the report with less danger of taking your eyes off the road too long. I hope this can be possible I think many more users would be able to report traffic items with ease. Thank you.
Steve Earp commented
Very hard to report a stalled car when you are in heavy traffic and trying to navigate through 3 different pages to post it. Can Wazer make a small one or two icon space where the user can program their most used items of wazer so reporting can be quick and safe.