have a countdown of kilometres based on the speed limit when going into a tunnel
Any time you drive into a tunnel that goes underground the GPS thinks you’re above the ground and starts changing the directions as it thinks you’re above the ground on the Street level when underground in the tunnel so if you need to then go 20 km in the tunnel and there’s various exits. How do you know how far you’ve driven in order to get to your exit underground when it’s recalculating because it thinks you’re above the ground and never figures it out that you’re actually still in the tunnel. So maybe have an option where people can choose if they would like a rough estimation of a countdown almost but instead of time it’s kilometres based off the speed limit so it’s 80 km/h it’ll be out of metres of kilometres based on that speed limit. You have to figure that part out but having the current option which is it loses you underground starts giving you directions for above the ground. You have absolutely no idea , where you are and where you’re going. Thanks