Small footprint car icon set on the iPhone
Could you please consider to either bring back or reintroduce small footpeimt car icon set. There was very basic set of a blue, yellow or green car set, that were smaller in size and for the smaller car screens they were very ergonomic. Now with the replacement of a larger versions, map screen becomes more cluttered, larger car icon takes more space on the screen and does not bring any value just distraction. When you try to glance to the screen while driving you see big car icon first and then trying to figure out what is around the icon. Previously, with the small icons, it was easy to understand the distance to the crossroad or other map artefact. Now it is difficult to use waze as these big car icons takes attention first, it is difficult intuitevely calculate distance to the object, car icon itself overlay roads, disregards map scale. Bigger car icons woble on the route direction while driving and in such way brings unnecessary uncertainty to the route as you double check the screen. I’m not asking to bring back qny specific icons rather the give opirtuniti to chosse between large and small footprint icons. As for the reference you could check the original set of blue, green and yllow car icons. Thanks