Share destination with anoter waser
It coulb be interesting to add a "share destination" function. You send your destination to your friend and you could see how many km they have to do, when they will arrived etc.
Sharing location through Waze is now available!
Dimitri Clark commented
This feature allows users to share their "drive plans" or routes, view other users traveling along the same path, and access real-time weather updates through an integrated weather API.
Ralph Waid commented
My wife is a waze and I see that she is driving now but I can not locate her anywhere on the route she is taking. A quick like to show her present location would be nice. You never know when your going to have to drive to pick her up cuz she broke down somewhere along the way.
EffAreVess commented
now share arrival with others via
xmpp texting
for those not running waze but who have become enlightened enough to cease wasting money on sms on devices already internets capable
Goor Cohen commented
There's another ticket for this feature request.
Sagi Koren commented
Great to have sharing but would be even better to have a 'single-click share ETA to selected email/sms/whatsapp/etc'. A lot of times you want to share your ETA to the same person (like my wife, when I'm leaving work).
Anonymous commented
Just every other app allow you to share some kind of things, like pictures, music or twits, it really would be nice and certainly useful to share a destination (favorite), cause then you may say to somebody: "I sending you my waze destination...", instead of "the address is...."
Marc R. commented
I was just about to post this suggestion. Was hoping for a feature similar to the meet in the middle website (where you input you and a friend's address and then a POI and it gives you an address halfway to meet up).
I think another option would be for example your friend is navigating with a destination, he can have the option to make it private, or share with groups/friends. Then when you open waze if he made it sharable it will alert you when you start waze and ask if you want to navigate where your friend is currently at (to follow him), or to nav to his destination instead.
Debbie Shapiro commented
We recently did a road trip and met relatives at our destination. We spent a week at the destination with two separate cars. This type of feature might have been useful when traveling to the same destinations when there is traffic and the other party is easily lost in that traffic and can't follow.
Enziovs commented
This would be a very good option - send it by email and have somebody drive to a place he or she has never been guided by waze!
Alejandra M commented
Trully useful to guide your friends to a place you have just discovered, to make an appointment, to show someone a good parking spot, to plan a trip with a group... and sharing the contact or adress is not the same. Sometimes a specific location is not easily found.
oscar commented
It would be cool if it was possible to send your destination and current position to somebody via e-mail, so they can follow your current trip and know when you will arrive.
yorch_ve commented
yeah! and not only your current location but a saved address that you have on your device waze account =)
Jaime Visser commented
This could be a feature for driving groups.